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Client/Server Comm Lib for dBase for Windows 7 - Robust Client/Server Communication for dBase. - Windows 7 Download

Client/Server Comm Lib for dBase Windows 7

Client/Server Comm Lib for dBase 7.1

Enhance your database with reliable client/server communication.

Looking for a reliable and efficient communication library for your dBase applications? Look no further than Client/Server Comm Lib for dBase, developed by MarshallSoft Computing. This powerful software allows for easy integration of client/server communication capabilities into your dBase applications, enhancing their functionality and performance. With features like TCP/IP and UDP communication, SSL/TLS security, and support for multiple communication protocols, this software is a must-have for any serious dBase developer. Trust us, your users will thank you!

Client/Server Comm Lib for dBase 7.1 full details

File Size: 0 kB
License: Free To Try
Price: $119.00
Released: 2018-01-26
Downloads: Total: 601 | This Month: 9
Publisher: MarshallSoft Computing
Publisher URL:

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Client/Server Comm Lib for dBaseComponents & LibrariesWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Win8, Win8 x64, Win10, Win10 x64, WinServer

User Rating: 3.1 (13 votes)

Client/Server Comm Lib for dBase - Windows 7 Download awards

Client/Server Comm Lib for dBase windows 7 compatible

Client/Server Comm Lib for dBase 7.1 full description

dBase TCP and UDP socket library client/server component. Features of the library include: - Use to create both clients and servers. - Supports "one time" passwords. - Data and files can be encrypted and decrypted. - Supports using session keys. - Supports secure and private messaging. - Use with the MarshallSoft AES Encryption Library for strong encryption/decryption. - Create chat servers and clients. - Create client/server file transfer programs. - Create client programs to talk to TCP servers (POP3, IMAP, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, DNS, etc,). - Connect to a device by sending commands to its IP address. - Create SMTP proxy programs extracting a copy of all recipient addresses. - Create POP3 proxy programs that filter incoming email for Spam. - Create HTTP proxy used to filter content. - Send and receive data buffers or entire files. - Servers can handle multiple connections concurrently. - Allows multiple servers and clients to run simultaneously. - Can specify the maximum number of connections that the server will accept. - Supports both TCP and UDP protocols. - Includes multiple dBase example programs. - Does not depend on support libraries (calls to core Windows API functions only). - Royalty free distribution with your compiled application. - C source code is available. - Free technical support and updates for one year. - Fully functional evaluation version available. - Works with all 32-bit versions of dBase - Works with 32-bit and 64-bit Windows through Windows 10.

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Client/Server Comm Lib for dBase 7.1 Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
Fixed problem with cscFileCRC() and cscCryptoPutFileExt(). Added cscTestDotted(). Fixed problem in cscRelease(). Increased MAX_DATA_SIZE from 30000 to 50000 bytes. Added CSC_SET_SOCK_REUSE [to cscSetInteger()].
[ Client/Server Comm Lib for dBase release history ]

Client/Server Comm Lib for dBase 7.1 Windows 7 requirements

32 or 64 bit Windows

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