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Clipboard Manager Gadget for Windows 7 - Effortlessly manage your clipboard! - Windows 7 Download

Clipboard Manager Gadget Windows 7

Clipboard Manager Gadget

"Revamp your copy-paste game with this Windows 7 Clipboard Manager Gadget"

If you're someone who deals with a ton of text on a daily basis and finds themselves constantly copy-pasting, Clipboard Manager Gadget by Jan Zeman is a lifesaver. This incredibly useful tool lets you store multiple entries so you can access them whenever you need to, cutting down on time spent re-typing. Easy to use and packed with great features, it's a must-have tool for anyone who wants to work smarter. Trust us, once you try Clipboard Manager Gadget, you'll wonder how you ever managed without it.

Clipboard Manager Gadget full details

File Size: 2.40 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2015-12-10
Downloads: Total: 986 | This Month: 21
Publisher: Jan Zeman
Publisher URL:

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Clipboard Manager GadgetSystem UtilitiesWindows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64

User Rating: 2.7 (20 votes)

Clipboard Manager Gadget - Windows 7 Download awards

Clipboard Manager Gadget windows 7 compatible

Clipboard Manager Gadget full description

Clipboard Manager Gadget is a simple, useful and reliable gadget that seamlessly integrates within your desktop and helps you to manage and organize multiple clipboard contents. Also, Clipboard Manager enables you to create custom timestamp patterns, change clipboard history capacity and font size, as well as to build you own original background.

All things considered, Clipboard Manager Gadget comes in handy when you need to manage and organize multiple clipboard contents without using any advanced configurations. Time you waste by re-typing, re-copying and re-creating of the same contents again and again. Be smart: Simply reuse the data you already had in your Windows Clipboard minutes (or weeks) ago.

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