ClosedXML 0.104.2
"Revolutionize Excel with ClosedXML - a game-changing software for Windows 7."
Welcome to the ultimate website for downloading Windows 7 software! We are thrilled to present to you one of our favorite programs, ClosedXML. Created by Manuel De Leon, this software is the perfect solution for anyone looking for an efficient, versatile way to interact with Excel files. Whether you're a business owner or just someone who wants to keep their spreadsheets organized, ClosedXML has everything you need. With its intuitive interface and powerful features, this program makes working with Excel files a breeze. So don't hesitate - download ClosedXML today and take your Excel game to the next level!
ClosedXML 0.104.2 full details

File Size: | 1.20 MB |
License: | Open Source |
Price: | FREE |
Released: |
![]() |
Downloads: | Total: 660 | This Month: 16 |
Publisher: | Manuel De Leon |
Publisher URL: | https://github.com/ClosedXML/ClosedXML |

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ClosedXML 0.104.2 full description
ClosedXML makes it easier for developers to create Excel 2007/2010 files. It provides a nice object oriented way to manipulate the files (similar to VBA) without dealing with the hassles of XML Documents. It can be used by any .NET language like C# and Visual Basic (VB).
Request #1: If you like this project please make an entry about it in your blog. The more people who use it the better it gets.
Request #2: If you ever find yourself thinking "I wish this API allowed me to do 'this' easier", please let me know about it. There's only so many scenarios I can think of for using this API. I'm very interested in how people work, how they use this API, and what can be done to make your life easier.
ClosedXML allows you to create Excel 2007/2010 files without the Excel application. The typical example is creating Excel reports on a web server.
If you've ever used the Microsoft Open XML Format SDK you know just how much code you have to write to get the same results as the following 4 lines of code.
Request #1: If you like this project please make an entry about it in your blog. The more people who use it the better it gets.
Request #2: If you ever find yourself thinking "I wish this API allowed me to do 'this' easier", please let me know about it. There's only so many scenarios I can think of for using this API. I'm very interested in how people work, how they use this API, and what can be done to make your life easier.
ClosedXML allows you to create Excel 2007/2010 files without the Excel application. The typical example is creating Excel reports on a web server.
If you've ever used the Microsoft Open XML Format SDK you know just how much code you have to write to get the same results as the following 4 lines of code.
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ClosedXML 0.104.2 Windows 7 release notes
New Release
Automatic fixer of function names:
Correct name for newer functions (post 2013) is not what is seen in the GUI (e.g. correct name for CONCAT is _xlfn.CONCAT). That is rather obscure fact not known to most developers. The formula setters (e.g. IXLCell.FormulaA1) now automatically fix function names, so it is stored correctly in the file.
Sorting updates references:
In many cases, the sorted area has a column with references. The formula often references another row. Pre-0.105, the references in the formulas weren't updated correctly.
Reimplementation/refactoring of old function infrastructure:
Basically all implemented functions should be more faithful to how Excel behaves and evaluation of functions should be faster. implemented functions should be "complete" in sense that they correctly work for various arguments (e.g. various forms of ROMAN or pattern search in SUMIFS).
The functions (before refactoring) had serious problems with ranges, errors or type coercion or structured references. The original parser back then didn't even parse literal arrays ({1,2,3;4,5,6}). Parser and other things were updated, but because there was ~180 functions, original implementation was kept and functions were functions were reused through an adapter. Except the adapter never worked right and there were some other serious problems.
Improve VML inset parsing by @jahav in #2595
Fix evaluation of LOG10 function by @jahav in #2597
Structural change caused ParsingException on defined names (Unexpected token EofSymbolId) by @Igor-Zlatomrezhev in #2462
Don't round TimeSpan to milliseconds by @jahav in #2444
Update rich text when text of a rich run changes by @jahav in #2516
Mark IF function as a range function by @jahav in #2509
Fix whitespace preservation in a rich text by @jahav in #2512
Hyperlinks move on structural changes by @jahav in #2412 +related changes:
Move hyperlink from MiscSlice to XLHyperlinks collection by @jahav in #2409
Remove unused hyperlink prop from
[ ClosedXML release history ]
Automatic fixer of function names:
Correct name for newer functions (post 2013) is not what is seen in the GUI (e.g. correct name for CONCAT is _xlfn.CONCAT). That is rather obscure fact not known to most developers. The formula setters (e.g. IXLCell.FormulaA1) now automatically fix function names, so it is stored correctly in the file.
Sorting updates references:
In many cases, the sorted area has a column with references. The formula often references another row. Pre-0.105, the references in the formulas weren't updated correctly.
Reimplementation/refactoring of old function infrastructure:
Basically all implemented functions should be more faithful to how Excel behaves and evaluation of functions should be faster. implemented functions should be "complete" in sense that they correctly work for various arguments (e.g. various forms of ROMAN or pattern search in SUMIFS).
The functions (before refactoring) had serious problems with ranges, errors or type coercion or structured references. The original parser back then didn't even parse literal arrays ({1,2,3;4,5,6}). Parser and other things were updated, but because there was ~180 functions, original implementation was kept and functions were functions were reused through an adapter. Except the adapter never worked right and there were some other serious problems.
Improve VML inset parsing by @jahav in #2595
Fix evaluation of LOG10 function by @jahav in #2597
Structural change caused ParsingException on defined names (Unexpected token EofSymbolId) by @Igor-Zlatomrezhev in #2462
Don't round TimeSpan to milliseconds by @jahav in #2444
Update rich text when text of a rich run changes by @jahav in #2516
Mark IF function as a range function by @jahav in #2509
Fix whitespace preservation in a rich text by @jahav in #2512
Hyperlinks move on structural changes by @jahav in #2412 +related changes:
Move hyperlink from MiscSlice to XLHyperlinks collection by @jahav in #2409
Remove unused hyperlink prop from
[ ClosedXML release history ]
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Windows 7 Download periodically updates pricing and software information of ClosedXML full version from the publisher, but some information may be out-of-date. You should confirm all information.
Using warez version, crack, warez passwords, patches, serial numbers, registration codes, key generator, pirate key, keymaker or keygen for ClosedXML license key is illegal and prevent future development of ClosedXML. Download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website, ClosedXML torrent or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, including Rapidshare, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, SendSpace, DepositFiles, DivShare, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe or MediaFire, are not used.
Windows 7 Download periodically updates pricing and software information of ClosedXML full version from the publisher, but some information may be out-of-date. You should confirm all information.
Using warez version, crack, warez passwords, patches, serial numbers, registration codes, key generator, pirate key, keymaker or keygen for ClosedXML license key is illegal and prevent future development of ClosedXML. Download links are directly from our mirrors or publisher's website, ClosedXML torrent or shared files from free file sharing and free upload services, including Rapidshare, MegaUpload, YouSendIt, SendSpace, DepositFiles, DivShare, HellShare, HotFile, FileServe or MediaFire, are not used.
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