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Color Cop for Windows 7 - "Revitalize Your Colors with Color Cop" - Windows 7 Download

Color Cop Windows 7

Color Cop 5.4.5

"Enhance your color accuracy with this nifty tool."

Introducing Color Cop - the ultimate color picker tool for Windows 7. Developed by ColorCop, this software allows you to easily identify and capture any color on your screen with just a few clicks. Whether you're a designer, developer or just someone who loves to play with colors, Color Cop is the perfect tool for you. With its intuitive interface and powerful features, you'll be able to create stunning color combinations and schemes in no time. So why wait? Download Color Cop today and bring your creativity to life!

Color Cop 5.4.5 full details

File Size: 61 kB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2010-07-24
Downloads: Total: 1231 | This Month: 4
Publisher: ColorCop
Publisher URL:

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Color CopOtherWindows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 2.7 (27 votes)

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Color Cop 5.4.5 full description

Color Cop is a multi-purpose color picker for web designers and programmers. It features an eyedropper, magnifier, variable magnification levels, 3 by 3 and 5 by 5 average sampling, snap to websafe, color history, and a 42 color complementary palette. Color Cop will convert RGB decimal values to Hexadecimal color codes. It has color code support for HTML Hex, Delphi Hex, PowerBuilder, Visual Basic Hex, and Visual C++ Hex. Color Cop is a multi-purpose color picker for windows.


If you're a professional graphic designer or just a keen amateur who is knocking up images and graphics at home for your blog or home made cards, the Color Cop is just the thing for you. We're convinced you'll like the arresting qualities of the Color Cop - software that brings order to the lawless field of color. See the full list of features below:

Just click and drag the eyedropper anywhere on the screen to select a new color. Single pixel or 3x3/5x5 average sampling options are available.
This control works exactly like the eyedropper. It can be used to zoom in on an area of the screen. After zooming, you can click in the magnifier view to select a color. The plus and minus buttons can be used to change the magnification level before or after magnifying an area.
Auto-copy to clipboard With this option enabled, the output value will automatically be copied to the clipboard.
Multiple output options
HTML hex, Delphi hex, Powerbuilder, Visual Basic, Clarion, Visual C++, RGB float, RGB int
Color options
Snap to WebSafe, Detect WebSafe, Reverse, Random, Convert to Grayscale
Relative position measuring
Press the Control key while dragging the eyedropper and the coordinates will be set to zero (0,0). When you drag the mouse to a new location, the coordinate values will be relative to the point on the screen where you pressed Control.
Color History
The last 7 colors selected will appear in the color history. To select a previous color, simply click on it. Colors can be pushed into the color history by right clicking while eyedropping.
Complementary color palette
42 colors that complement the current color will be generated on the fly.
System tray support
The application can be minimized to the system tray.
Mouse wheel support
Spin the mouse wheel while magnifying to change the magnification level. Spinning the mouse wheel while focus is on either of the Red, Green, or Blue edit controls will increment or decrement by 1(hold shift for +/- 2, hold control for +/- 5).
BMP to clipboard
Double click on the magnifier's window and it will prompt to copy the the bitmap to the clipboard.
Other minor features
RGB Float mode will output the color as 0.50,0.25,0.00 Alt+[ will decrease floating point precision and Alt+] will increase floating point precision.
The standard windows cross hair cursor can be used in lieu of the eyedropper cursor.
Omit the # or $ symbols from the hex codes
Upper or Lowercase hex output

Colors are an essential part of your website design. Make sure to get the right color tools you use, just as choosing a good cheap web hosting for your website.

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