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Colorblind Assistant for Windows 7 - "Enhance Color Vision - Download Now" - Windows 7 Download

Colorblind Assistant Windows 7

Colorblind Assistant 1.68

"Enhance Color Perception with Colorblind Assistant - The Key to a Brighter World"

"Experience a world of vivid colors with Colorblind Assistant, a software developed by Achronism Studios. Say goodbye to the challenges of color blindness and improve your visual experience while using Windows 7. This amazing software is designed to identify and adjust color pallets, letting you see a wide spectrum of vibrant colors. Whether you're an artist or just an enthusiast, Colorblind Assistant is the perfect solution for a more vibrant life. Get your copy now and witness a whole new world of color."

Colorblind Assistant 1.68 full details

File Size: 1.50 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2016-03-02
Downloads: Total: 586 | This Month: 6
Publisher: Achronism Studios
Publisher URL:

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Colorblind AssistantOtherWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 3.1 (17 votes)

Colorblind Assistant - Windows 7 Download awards

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Colorblind Assistant 1.68 full description

Colorblind Assistant is an easy-to-use application designed to provide information about colors from the mouse pointer. It also provides you with other useful data such as RGB values and bar graphs, brightness and saturation. Colorblind Assistant makes it really easy for you to pick colors from your desktop. You simply need to move the mouse cursor to the preferred screen position, and the tool shows color details in real time directly in the main window. Tests have pointed out that Colorblind Assistant carries out tasks quickly and without errors. It remains light on system resources so the overall performance of the computer is not hampered. You may keep it running in the background.

The software also has a zoom pane for fine pixel detection, and sits nicely in your desktop tray when not in use. Colorblind Assistant runs in a small 192x128 window that you can easily use alongside graphics programs, applications, games, video-editing software and movie players. The pixel data updates in real-time, so use with animations and movies is just as easy as still images. Colorblind Assistant provides a simple software solution for helping you get information about colors from the mouse pointer, and can be configured by rookies and professionals alike.

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