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Combat Mission: Afghanistan for Windows 7 - "Experience Realistic Combat in Afghanistan" - Windows 7 Download

Combat Mission: Afghanistan Windows 7

Combat Mission: Afghanistan 1.01

Engage in realistic warfare with "Combat Mission: Afghanistan".

Combat Mission: Afghanistan by Battlefront is a cutting-edge software game that offers players a realistic military strategy experience. Set in the inhospitable terrain of Afghanistan, players get to navigate complex terrain and utilize authentic war strategies in order to succeed. With exceptional graphics, sound and gameplay, Combat Mission: Afghanistan is a must-have addition to any serious gamer's collection. Take command and get ready for the ultimate battle experience. Download Combat Mission: Afghanistan today.

Combat Mission: Afghanistan 1.01 full details

File Size: 353.00 MB
License: Demo
Price: $35.00
Released: 2014-12-02
Downloads: Total: 2279 | This Month: 38
Publisher: Battlefront
Publisher URL:

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Combat Mission: AfghanistanStrategy & War GamesWindows Vista, Windows 7

User Rating: 3.6 (41 votes)

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Combat Mission: Afghanistan 1.01 full description

Combat Mission Afghanistan is the first collaboration between Battlefront and a third party studio to create a completely new game in the Combat Mission series. CM Afghanistan is a standalone game and not an expansion, and does not require any of the other games to play!

CM Afghanistan covers two periods of the Russian-Afghan wars - the initial phase 1980-1982, and the later years of highest activity 1985-1987 - in two campaigns and additionally ten standalone missions. The fully featured editor will of course allow players to create all new custom maps and missions.

CM Afghanistan is not just a mission pack: based on the latest CM engine in development, the game includes all new artwork, terrain, new units, new weapons, and new nations! Players are able to take command of Soviet or DRA (Democratic Republic of Afghanistan) Army units as well as mujahedeen guerrilla forces.

But it doesn't end there. CM Afghanistan introduces completely new features to the series, such as:

* Drozd Active Defense system (on T-55AD and T-62D; shoots down incoming RPGs)
* Multi-barreled rapid-fire cannon (e.g. ZSU-23 Shilka, Kamaz ZU-23)
* New terrain such as Snow (on the ground) and Water
* Exit Zones (a new type of objective)

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