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Comodo Antivirus full changelog

Comodo Antivirus full changelog

Comodo Antivirus released (Major Update)
Improved Migrated virtually all HTTP URLs to HTTPs, Folder Protection.Fixed Uninstallation & Installation failed,Https website filtering no longer works on Chrome 78, Chrome crashes in Containment, CIS USB error,Uninstallation of Comodo KillSwitch and Cleaning Essentials, Freezes in Win10 build.
Comodo Antivirus released (Major Update)
Fixed in Preventing unsigned DLLs from loading into CIS processes, Added Czech language translations, Added 'Windows Operating System'.
Comodo Antivirus released (Major Update)
Dumps of cmdinstall appears after installation on Windows 7, WMI errors are present in Windows Event Log, Number of unrecognized files in the CIS widget is not recalculated after system reboot
Comodo Antivirus released (Major Update)
Full Microsoft Redstone 5 Support, Updated AV engine, Option to automatically scan plugged-in devices, WDSC integration performance and stability improvements
Comodo Antivirus released (Major Update)
Fixed bug that sometimes prevented installation. Fixed bug that sometimes caused HIPS to ignore an 'Unrecognized' file rating. Fixed bug whereby an 'Unrecognized' rating was given to all files if the date was changed.
Comodo Antivirus released (Major Update)
Creates QualityCompat key as required by Microsoft Meltdown and Spectre patch KB4056892 upon installation and update, same was done in previous v6474 as well. In some systems Comodo Firewall status in Windows Security Center could be found as "snoozed".
Comodo Antivirus released (Major Update)
Improved sandbox support junction points, application that launched by 'LNK'-file is available in file list and compatibility with Windows 10
Google Chrome 45.x issue.

Comodo Antivirus for Windows 7 - free download notice

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