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Connection Meter for Windows 7 - Track your internet usage with Connection Meter! - Windows 7 Download

Connection Meter Windows 7

Connection Meter 8.9.7

"Accurately track your internet usage with Connection Meter's powerful monitoring features."

Introducing the game-changing "Connection Meter" from epstudio! Say goodbye to slow internet speeds with this powerful tool, designed to track your network performance in real time. With easy-to-use features and clear displays, it's perfect for both novice and expert users. Whether you're streaming, gaming, or simply browsing, Connection Meter ensures lightning-fast speeds for a seamless online experience. Download now and experience internet like never before with Windows 7.

Connection Meter 8.9.7 full details

File Size: 2.50 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $8.00
Released: 2012-11-06
Downloads: Total: 1123 | This Month: 41
Publisher: epstudio
Publisher URL:

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Connection Meter
Connection MeterOtherWindows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7

User Rating: 2.3 (24 votes)

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Connection Meter windows 7 compatible

Connection Meter 8.9.7 full description

Program Connection Meter® originated in September 1998. At the development of program we lay stress on:

* universality, easy change of prices for connection
* independence on setting of computer and operating system
* the highest stability and uncostingness
* easy and tabular attendance, we don't want oppress user and his computer by unnecessary mambers

Program allows to watch happening on the phone line, ISDN, ADSL, WiFi, cabel-TV or other connection. Examples of functions:

* furnish immediate information about time, price of connection and size of transfer data in floating window
* active sound and graphic warning before end of phone unit
* monitor of speed line, fair user policy, data limits etc.
* process measuring data in a lot of text and graphic forms, allowed handover of data through clipboard Windows to other application
* with help of the columned graphs make easy to found optimal time for downloading data so connection is the most economic
* display information about drainage and price of connection in your provider
* with help of the insurance automatically disconnect connection at disproportionate high price for connection
* by regular saving of measuring data prevent the loss at crash of the system
* set up clock of computer in accordance with exact world time
* protect your computer before non-require connections to internet by Active X and dialers
* notify new messages in e-mail accounts on several mail servers (incl Gmail)
* memos are a safe place to save login, password, text memos

Connection Meter 8.9.7 download tags

Connection Meter 8.9.7 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
· Data counter for separately applications (Tools/Network Statistics in the Connection Meter is advanced NetStat). Correction Transfers fo Slovak provider T-Mobile SK.
[ Connection Meter release history ]

Connection Meter 8.9.7 Windows 7 requirements

· Microsoft .NET Framework 2

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