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Convert MSG to Word for Windows 7 - Effortlessly Convert MSG to Word - Windows 7 Download

Convert MSG to Word Windows 7

Convert MSG to Word 3.2

"Effortlessly transform MSGs to editable Word files with this powerful tool."

Looking for a simple and effective tool to convert your MSG files to Word format? Look no further than "Convert MSG to Word" from Birdie Software. This intuitive software offers a user-friendly interface and lightning-fast conversion speeds, all with the confidence of trustworthy support. Get your hands on "Convert MSG to Word" today and streamline your file conversion process.

Convert MSG to Word 3.2 full details

File Size: 3.56 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $29.00
Released: 2012-06-12
Downloads: Total: 290 | This Month: 5
Publisher: Birdie Software
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Convert MSG to WordFile & Disk ManagementWin2000, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows Vista, Windows XP

User Rating: 2.8 (12 votes)

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Convert MSG to Word 3.2 full description

Do you want to perform the MSG to Word conversion process with all email properties, attachments, etc? If yes then try the Birdie MSG to DOC Converter to convert MSG to Word file in hassle-free manner. Microsoft Outlook saves it single message files .MSG file format by default. So if you want to access, edit or print your MSG files into DOC files, you have to convert all your MSG files details to Word, so at this situation MSG to DOC Converter of Birdie Software helps you out. Our MSG to DOC program has some unique features. Here are the key features: -Software supports batch conversion or bulk conversion of MSG files. -Allows converting of all email properties like: Meta data information, attachments, read/unread status, and email formatting to MS Word. -During MSG to DOC conversion process software preserves same folder hierarchy. -Enables users to convert attachments within the email messages and saves it along with exported .DOC file. -Compatible with Windows 98, 2002, 2003 XP, Vista & Windows 7 You can try the trail mode of Convert MSG to Word software before purchasing the full licensed version. Trial mode allows you to convert only 1 MSG file to Word files, if you want to convert multiple or unlimited MSG files to DOC then only get the licensed version of MSG to DOC Converter of Birdie Software only at $29.00. Our EML 2 DOC tool is the perfect choice for those users who want to access their MSG files into Word .DOC file format.

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Convert MSG to Word 3.2 Windows 7 requirements

Pentium II 400 MHz, 64 MB RAM, Minimum 10 MB Space

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The Quest of MSG to DOCX Converter which can do unlimited MSG to Word Conversion ends with this astounding software. ...
... to your one-stop destination for the innovative "Birdie MSG to DOC" software, developed by the same name. ...
... a cutting-edge software developed by the same name, MSG to DOC. This software is a remarkable tool ...
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