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CookBook+Calendar for Windows 7 - Cooking and scheduling made easy. - Windows 7 Download

CookBook+Calendar Windows 7

CookBook+Calendar 3.9

Organize meals and events with ease - CookBook+Calendar.

Introducing CookBook+Calendar, the perfect software for managing your recipes and meal plans! Developed by Binary House Software, this user-friendly program allows you to easily organize your favorite dishes, create shopping lists, and plan out your weekly meals. With customizable categories and convenient search functions, you'll be able to find all your recipes with ease. Say goodbye to kitchen clutter and hello to deliciously organized meal times!

CookBook+Calendar 3.9 full details

File Size: 16.76 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $49.95
Released: 2017-11-14
Downloads: Total: 489 | This Month: 7
Publisher: Binary House Software
Publisher URL:

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CookBook+CalendarFood & DrinkWin2000, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, WinServer, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP

User Rating: 3.0 (17 votes)

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CookBook+Calendar 3.9 full description

Cookbook+Calendar is a scheduler, that enables to plan a menu, a diet or a dinner party, and to store recipes. A handy tool for those who want to manage meal planning calendar quickly and easily, it will be essential for grocery and restaurant managers, for sportsmen and those who keep to a diet, and for all those who enjoy cooking. With its intuitive interface, Cookbook+Calendar is designed to be a recipe database and to help with planning a menu or a diet. The software supports most of the formats, including HTML, which makes saving recipes extremely easy. Just save it as is, drag and drop it directly into the appropriate time slot - and it is in the database! Flexible options allow customizing the calendar and copying events or changing the date. It also supports adding pictures, comments to the recipe and information for glossaries. Cookbook+Calendar will provide you with the list of holidays, and it will remind you when you should start cooking dinner. What's more, with it you can create shopping list reminders. The program features search by recipe name and also by main ingredients, which means that it is always ready to suggest you a recipe for the products available in the fridge. Cookbook+Calendar supports exporting recipes of any format and saving them on USB, so you can easily share your favorite recipes with your friends and mates. The program is designed to enable the communication between different scheduling applications. You can save appointments into an iCalendar file with the .ics extension. The program can serve as a home accountant: it lets you calculate and save the approximate price of the dish, and then provides you with the statistics for any period of time; thus, with its help you can track all the food expenses. Cookbook+Calendar is a must-have for those who want to be in full control of the meal planning calendar. You pay for the program only the first time and get all new versions of this program for FREE and for a lifetime!

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CookBook+Calendar 3.9 Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
This release includes minor fixes and enhancements.
[ CookBook+Calendar release history ]

CookBook+Calendar 3.9 Windows 7 requirements

32 MB of RAM, 7 MB of available hard disk space.

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