Crimson Editor Portable for Windows 7 - "Efficient code editing: Crimson Editor Portable" - Windows 7 Download

Crimson Editor Portable 3.72 R286M
"Crimson Editor Portable: A powerful text editor on-the-go."
Welcome to the ultimate source for downloading the leading software toolset around - Crimson Editor Portable. Developed by Ingyu Kang, this software not only allows you to write and edit source files, but you can also highlight syntax, search and replace text, and even adjust the interface to fit your personal needs. This software is everything you need to take your coding game to the next level. Download Crimson Editor Portable today and see what all the fuss is about!
Crimson Editor Portable 3.72 R286M full details

File Size: | 1.70 MB |
License: | Open Source |
Price: | FREE |
Released: | 2011-10-05 |
Downloads: | Total: 723 | This Month: 31 |
Publisher: | Ingyu Kang |
Publisher URL: | http://www.crimsoneditor.com/ |

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Crimson Editor Portable 3.72 R286M full description
Crimson Editor is a professional source code editor for Windows.
This program is not only fast in loading time, but also small in size (so small that it can be copied in one floppy disk).
While it can serve as a good replacement for Notepad, it also offers many powerful features for programming languages such as HTML, C/C++, Perl and Java.
Edit multiple documents
- switch between documents using file selection tab.
- Ctrl+Tab brings the last accessed document to topmost.
- support window splitter to see different parts of a document.
Syntax highlighting
- configurable via custom syntax files.
- preconfigured for more than 100 computer languages.
Multi-level undo / redo
- all editing actions are recorded from the opening of a file.
- any document always can be undone to it's initial contents.
- unlimited undo and redo buffers.
Project management
- manage group of related files into one project.
- remote files also can be included in a project.
Directory tree view window
- click to open documents.
- filter to display only selected file class.
Find & Replace
- replace specified text one by one, or as a whole.
- support regular expression.
Column mode editing
- copy and paste rectangular selections.
- switch between column mode and line mode. (Alt+C)
Natural word wrapping
- word wrapping does not affect syntax highlighting.
- configurable wrapping indentation. (easer to understand the syntax)
Spell checker
- around 100000 words were added in the dictionary.
- users can register new words in their own dictionary. (InstallDir/user.dic)
User tools and macros
- execute external programs with proper arguments.
- compile, execute and test your code.
- ease your fingers with key stroke recording. (record & replay)
Edit remote files directly using built-in FTP client
- open, edit, and save documents in remote FTP servers.
- save account information (encoded) for automatic logon.
Print & Print preview
- configurable page header and footer.
- print with line numbers.
- print with syntax highlighting. (used in color printer)
- true type font selection for printer.
Other useful features
support Unicode & UTF-8 encoding, drag & drop text editing,
single instance / multiple instances, ability to detect changed files,
bookmark & go to, highlight active line, highlight matching pairs,
multi-byte support with integrated IME (for eastern languages),
auto indent, wheel mouse support, copy & paste, line numbers,
configurable line spacing, option to save files in Unix format,
This program is not only fast in loading time, but also small in size (so small that it can be copied in one floppy disk).
While it can serve as a good replacement for Notepad, it also offers many powerful features for programming languages such as HTML, C/C++, Perl and Java.
Edit multiple documents
- switch between documents using file selection tab.
- Ctrl+Tab brings the last accessed document to topmost.
- support window splitter to see different parts of a document.
Syntax highlighting
- configurable via custom syntax files.
- preconfigured for more than 100 computer languages.
Multi-level undo / redo
- all editing actions are recorded from the opening of a file.
- any document always can be undone to it's initial contents.
- unlimited undo and redo buffers.
Project management
- manage group of related files into one project.
- remote files also can be included in a project.
Directory tree view window
- click to open documents.
- filter to display only selected file class.
Find & Replace
- replace specified text one by one, or as a whole.
- support regular expression.
Column mode editing
- copy and paste rectangular selections.
- switch between column mode and line mode. (Alt+C)
Natural word wrapping
- word wrapping does not affect syntax highlighting.
- configurable wrapping indentation. (easer to understand the syntax)
Spell checker
- around 100000 words were added in the dictionary.
- users can register new words in their own dictionary. (InstallDir/user.dic)
User tools and macros
- execute external programs with proper arguments.
- compile, execute and test your code.
- ease your fingers with key stroke recording. (record & replay)
Edit remote files directly using built-in FTP client
- open, edit, and save documents in remote FTP servers.
- save account information (encoded) for automatic logon.
Print & Print preview
- configurable page header and footer.
- print with line numbers.
- print with syntax highlighting. (used in color printer)
- true type font selection for printer.
Other useful features
support Unicode & UTF-8 encoding, drag & drop text editing,
single instance / multiple instances, ability to detect changed files,
bookmark & go to, highlight active line, highlight matching pairs,
multi-byte support with integrated IME (for eastern languages),
auto indent, wheel mouse support, copy & paste, line numbers,
configurable line spacing, option to save files in Unix format,
Crimson Editor Portable 3.72 R286M download tags
Crimson Editor Portable 3.72 R286M Windows 7 release notes
New Release
· unicode encoding, splitter window
· bug fixed: DEL key deletes directory item when project item is selected.
· bug fixed: ftp file transfer error when the file size is multiple of 512 bytes.
· bug fixed: search & replace the beginning of line crashes Crimson Editor.
· bug fixed: find with 'Match whole word' considers a '_' as not part of a word.
· bug fixed: comment color when typing the word 'remove' in ASP document.
· bug fixed: screen resolution problem using dual monitor.
· bug fixed: backup file creation failed in UNC path.
[ Crimson Editor Portable release history ]
· unicode encoding, splitter window
· bug fixed: DEL key deletes directory item when project item is selected.
· bug fixed: ftp file transfer error when the file size is multiple of 512 bytes.
· bug fixed: search & replace the beginning of line crashes Crimson Editor.
· bug fixed: find with 'Match whole word' considers a '_' as not part of a word.
· bug fixed: comment color when typing the word 'remove' in ASP document.
· bug fixed: screen resolution problem using dual monitor.
· bug fixed: backup file creation failed in UNC path.
[ Crimson Editor Portable release history ]
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Windows 7 Download periodically updates pricing and software information of Crimson Editor Portable full version from the publisher, but some information may be out-of-date. You should confirm all information.
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