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CueMol full changelog

CueMol full changelog

CueMol released Oct 16, 2017 (New Release)
Edge lines now become (semi)transparent according to the color of the belonging triangle edges. This enables "segment end fadeout" display of the ribbon and cartoons with edge lines.
Error in the "Mol Superpose" dialog of auto-recenter checkbox is fixed.
CueMol released Oct 16, 2017 (New Release)
Crashes when creating symmetry-related molecule
CueMol released Aug 17, 2017 (New Release)
"show unit-cell" button was added in the density panel.
Now coordinates files are fetched from RCSB web site in the mmCIF format that supports large molecules.
Internal representation unit of the time value was changed from milli-second to nano-second to increase the animation precision.
You can now specify start/end cap properties separately in the atomintr renderer settings. (documents??)
CueMol released May 1, 2017 (New Release)
Back-face display of molsurf and dsurface renderers are turned on by default (when edge/silhouette line is disabled)
Back-face display option for dsurface renderer were implemented
The electrostatic potential coloring mode for the dsurface renderer was implemented.
The property to change the ramp-above value for electrostatic coloring was implemented.
CueMol released Feb 20, 2017 (New Release)
Supported 64bit version (Windows 7 and later)
Supported reading molecular coordinates in mmCIF file format
Implemented new qsc file format (version 2), with LZMA (xz) compression and new molecular structure format (without limitation of atom number, residue number, chain name length, etc).
Implemented "reset to default style" menu in the coloring panel.
CueMol released Sep 26, 2016 (New Release)
Type Of The Filter Save-Object-As Dialog Box Is Now Saved To Preference. Github
Compounds With The Different Same Residue Name In Different Files Now Can Be Loaded Correctly. (Auto-Generated Topology Is Now Registered As Object-Local And Not System Global Topology.) Github
The Problem In Fixed PDBFileReader When Loading Hydrogen Atoms (Such As HB11 And HB12) Misassigned As Boron. Github
Edge Generation Method Improve For Spheres. Github
CueMol released May 3, 2016 (New Release)
BUGFIX: Fixed problem in fetching PDB from RCSB web site
CueMol released Mar 30, 2016 (New Release)
BUGFIX: Fixed problem in fetching PDB from RCSB web site
CueMol released Mar 22, 2016 (New Release)
Support preview of edge rendering in the molview window using OpenGL shader
Multiple-Window Support Mode (See: Cuemol2 / MultipleWindow )
(? Or Preset) Implemented Composite Renderer (See: Cuemol2 / CompositeRenderer )
Dialog Editor For Implemented Renderer Styles (See: Cuemol2 / RendStyles )
CueMol released Jun 30, 2015 (New Release)
BUGFIX: Support for Windows XP
BUGFIX: Fixed bug in the Windows version installer
BUGFIX: Support for MacOS X 10.6 and later

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