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CuteRecovery (formerly EassosRecovery) full changelog

CuteRecovery (formerly EassosRecovery) full changelog

CuteRecovery (formerly EassosRecovery) released Dec 13, 2024 (Major Update)
1. Supports recovering EFS-encrypted files. 2. The file preview feature supports both thumbnail and large image previews for EFS-encrypted files. 3. The "File Recovery" feature improve the support for Recycle Bin, restoring files in the Recycle Bin to their original path.
CuteRecovery (formerly EassosRecovery) released Jul 10, 2023 (Major Update)
1. Optimize the file copy speed after recovering files. 2. Optimize the file recovery result for NTFS partitions. 3. Optimize the file recovery for exFAT and FAT32 partitions. 4. When the File Recovery function copies files, the time of recovered folders keeps unchanged.
CuteRecovery (formerly EassosRecovery) released Apr 19, 2021 (Major Update)
1. Change user interface and support high-resolution displays (DPI adaptation). The interface display is no longer blurred when the software runs on 4K screens and laptops. 2. Add the support for Office VSDX file type. 3. Optimize the ability of reading disks that have bad sectors.
CuteRecovery (formerly EassosRecovery) released Oct 28, 2020 (Major Update)
1. After copying files, the modified and created date of target folders is consistent with original ones. 2. Improve accuracy of recovering files by type. 3. Enhance the function of recovering files from exFAT partitions. 4. File preview supports to open heif(.heic), cr3 photos and WPS document file
CuteRecovery (formerly EassosRecovery) released Jun 20, 2019 (Major Update)
1. Enhance operations and control for file copy, supporting Skip, Pause and ways to handle preset errors, and supporting shutting down computer after file copy completes. 2. Enhance file recovery function for NTFS partitions. 3. Enhance recovery function for video format file of hard disk recorders.
CuteRecovery (formerly EassosRecovery) released Mar 27, 2019 (Major Update)
1. Optimize file recovery function for NTFS/FAT32 partition. 2. Optimize lost FAT32 partition recovery. 3. Recovering file by type supports RAR5 file. 4. Fixed an issue for file recovery function that sometimes programs crashed during organizing files.
CuteRecovery (formerly EassosRecovery) released Oct 9, 2018 (Major Update)
CuteRecovery (formerly EassosRecovery) released Jun 4, 2018 (Major Update)
CuteRecovery (formerly EassosRecovery) released May 15, 2018 (Major Update)
CuteRecovery (formerly EassosRecovery) released Nov 20, 2017 (Major Update)

CuteRecovery (formerly EassosRecovery) for Windows 7 - free download notice

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