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Dashboard Builder for Access for Windows 7 - Powerful Access Dashboard Creator - Windows 7 Download

Dashboard Builder for Access Windows 7

Dashboard Builder for Access 5.3.1

Revolutionize Your Access Data with
Dashboard Builder for Windows 7.

Introducing "Dashboard Builder for Access" - the ultimate tool for creating visually stunning and customizable dashboards in Microsoft Access. Developed by OpenGate Software Inc., it includes a variety of chart types, gauges, and indicators to showcase your data in the most efficient way possible. With an easy-to-use interface and drag-and-drop functionality, this software is the ideal choice for both novice and experienced Access users. Download now and take your data presentations to the next level.

Dashboard Builder for Access 5.3.1 full details

File Size: 1.80 MB
License: Trialware
Price: $99.00
Released: 2018-11-01
Downloads: Total: 1131 | This Month: 12
Publisher: OpenGate Software Inc.
Publisher URL:

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Dashboard Builder for AccessOffice Suites & ToolsWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 3.0 (31 votes)

Dashboard Builder for Access - Windows 7 Download awards

Dashboard Builder for Access windows 7 compatible windows 7 download editor's pick

Dashboard Builder for Access 5.3.1 full description

Microsoft® Access® is a powerful tool for recording and tracking data without being a professional developer. To gain full value from your database, however, you may be creating numerous Access queries, Access reports, or extracting your data to Microsoft® Excel® on a regular basis to analyze your data. Data analysis within Access can be time consuming, and may require you to learn Microsoft® SQL® or Visual Basic®.

Dashboard Builder eliminates the headaches and expense associated with ongoing data analysis in Microsoft Access. Dashboard Builder offers many of the features you expect from an expensive, high end business intelligence tool, all directly within MS Access. Create an unlimited number of business dashboards in minutes, then enjoy the ability to view numerous key performance indicators in a single place, drill down into the data, and make strategic decisions based on valuable data you have been accumulating in your database. All without requiring you to learn complex SQL or create custom code.

Some features of Standard Edition

* Simple metric definition guide
* WYSIWYG dashboard design
* Graphic meters with red/green thresholds
* 2x2 dashboard layout
* Drilldown to your data forms
* Email alerts
* Unlimited dashboards and metrics
* Free updates

Dashboard Builder for Access 5.3.1 download tags

Dashboard Builder for Access 5.3.1 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
New chart types, improved menu navigation
[ Dashboard Builder for Access release history ]

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