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Data Rescue 5 Professional for Mac for Windows 7 - Rescue lost data on Mac. - Windows 7 Download

Data Rescue 5 Professional for Mac Windows 7

Data Rescue 5 Professional for Mac 5.0.5

"Revive your lost data with Data Rescue 5 Professional for Mac."

Data Rescue 5 Professional for Mac is a data recovery software developed by Prosoft Engineering, Inc. It is the perfect tool for recovering lost, damaged, or deleted files on your Mac computer. It supports all types of file systems and storage devices, including RAID configurations. The user-friendly interface allows you to easily navigate and recover your data with just a few clicks. With its advanced scanning methods and powerful data recovery algorithms, Data Rescue 5 Professional can recover data that other software cannot. Don't let data loss scare you, get Data Rescue 5 Professional for Mac today!

Data Rescue 5 Professional for Mac 5.0.5 full details

File Size: 15.34 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $299.00
Released: 2018-04-04
Downloads: Total: 76 | This Month: 6
Publisher: Prosoft Engineering, Inc.
Publisher URL:

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Data Rescue 5 Professional for MacFile & Disk ManagementMac OS X

User Rating: 2.3 (3 votes)

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Data Rescue 5 Professional for Mac windows 7 compatible

Data Rescue 5 Professional for Mac 5.0.5 full description

Data Rescue Professional is cross-compatible, giving professional users access to both the Mac and Windows software under a single license. This gives professionals the advantage of being able to recover from most devices in their business environment regardless of operating system, rather than being restricted to a single platform for recovery. The Professional version of Data Rescue allows users the ability to perform unlimited recoveries from any number of devices. In a business environment it is not uncommon to service dozens of computers in small companies, to hundreds or even thousands on computers in larger enterprises. Data Rescue Professional provides IT departments with the security of being able to handle any number of data loss scenarios they may encounter. Data Rescue Professional includes an all new professional mode user interface designed for experienced computer users and technicians needing tools for more advanced recoveries. Features of this mode include a hex viewer allowing the user to display raw drive and file data, as well as the ability to save up to 15 previous scan results so that they can be used for later reference or additional recovery needs from those same devices. Also included is a Secure Erase tool that will overwrite the contents of a drive with a random or chosen pattern, making it unrecoverable with data recovery software including Data Rescue. If you have a non-booting Mac, use the Recovery Drive feature to create a bootable USB that can be used to attempt booting on the problem Mac. The Professional mode of Data Rescue also supports RAID recovery, which is essential to businesses that store their data in RAID arrays as is common with most servers. If the RAID fails to mount or be recognized as a single volume, Data Rescue Professional also supports the ability to add a virtual RAID to simulate a physical RAID configuration.

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Data Rescue 5 Professional for Mac 5.0.5 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
Cross Compatible for Mac and Windows. Preview opens file using the programs installed on computer (support all file types on Mac/Windows/Linux, simultaneous preview), Recovery Drive based on full macOS system
[ Data Rescue 5 Professional for Mac release history ]

Data Rescue 5 Professional for Mac 5.0.5 Windows 7 requirements

macOS 10.10+, Windows 7+, Secondary Storage Device, Internet Connection

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