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DB AppMaker full changelog

DB AppMaker full changelog

DB AppMaker 4.0.4 released Jul 5, 2021 (New Release)
- Ionic 5 (with Angular 9 and Ionic CLI 6.x)
- List/View/Add/Copy/Edit/Delete remote data
- Angular Reactive Forms
- Dynamic Selection Lists and AutoSuggest
- Lookup fields with lookup tables or user values
- File upload to database
- Multiple file upload to server folder
DB AppMaker 4.0.3 released May 3, 2021 (New Release)
- Ionic 5 (with Angular 9 and Ionic CLI 6.x)
- List/View/Add/Copy/Edit/Delete remote data
- Angular Reactive Forms
- Dynamic Selection Lists and AutoSuggest
- Lookup fields with lookup tables or user values
- File upload to database
- Multiple file upload to server folder
DB AppMaker 4.0.2 released Jan 22, 2021 (New Release)
- Ionic 5 (with Angular 9 and Ionic CLI 6.x)
- List/View/Add/Copy/Edit/Delete remote data
- Angular Reactive Forms
- Dynamic Selection Lists and AutoSuggest
- Lookup fields with lookup tables or user values
- File upload to database
- Multiple file upload to server folder
DB AppMaker 4.0.0 released May 19, 2020 (New Release)
- Ionic 5 (with Angular 9 and Ionic CLI 6.x)
- List/View/Add/Copy/Edit/Delete remote data
- Angular Reactive Forms
- Dynamic Selection Lists and AutoSuggest
- Lookup fields with lookup tables or user values
- File upload to database
- Multiple file upload to server folder
DB AppMaker 2.0.4 released Mar 6, 2017 (New Release)
Create iOS apps
Retrieve live data from your web server
Allow user to select a field to sort by
Support pagination
Allow user to view detail table data from master table
Custom View Tags: Google Maps, Youtube, Barcode, QRCode
Ionic 1.3.2 with AngularJS 1.5.3
jQuery 3.1.1
Use local node.exe
DB AppMaker 2.0.0 released Nov 28, 2016 (New Release)
New release
DB AppMaker 1.0.3 released Aug 6, 2016 (New Release)
New release
DB AppMaker 1.0 released Apr 8, 2016 (New Release)
New release

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