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dbForge Compare Bundle for MySQL full changelog

dbForge Compare Bundle for MySQL full changelog

dbForge Compare Bundle for MySQL 10.1 released Sep 25, 2024 (Minor Update)
* Introduced connectivity support for MySQL 9.0
* Enhanced cloud compatibility features
* Added new automation capabilities
dbForge Compare Bundle for MySQL 10.0 released Nov 3, 2023 (Major Update)
*Added full support for temporal tables in MariaDB
* Supported spatial reference identifiers (SRID)
* Introduced a new group of comparison options called Sequences, which includes Ignore CACHE, Ignore CYCLE, Ignore INCREMENT BY, Ignore MAXVALUE, Ignore MINVALUE, and Ignore START
dbForge Compare Bundle for MySQL 9.2 released Apr 19, 2023 (Major Update)
*Added support for the UUID Data Type
*Added support for the INET6 Data Type
*Added support for MySQL functional indexes
*Added support for MariaDB v11.3
dbForge Compare Bundle for MySQL 5.8 released Aug 12, 2022 (Major Update)
*Added support for Linux and macOS via CrossOver
*Added connectivity support for MariaDB 10.9
dbForge Compare Bundle for MySQL 9.0.11 released May 21, 2020 (Major Update)
*Connectivity support for MariaDB 10.5 & SkySQL
*Working with the Packages and Sequences established in MariaDB 10.3 is supported
*-nowarn & -endnowarn tags were added to the Execution warnings functionality
*Exporting execution history in the CSV format
and more
dbForge Compare Bundle for MySQL 8.1.20 released May 7, 2019 (Major Update)
*MariaDB 10.4. support
dbForge Compare Bundle for MySQL 8.1 released Jan 15, 2019 (Major Update)
*MariaDB 10.4. support
dbForge Compare Bundle for MySQL 1.0 released Feb 26, 2016 (Major Update)
*Support for MySQL 5.7
*Support for computed columns
*Support for the JSON Data Type
*Support for Spatial Indexes
*Support Percona PAM authentication
*Support for the Amazon Aurora connection

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