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dbForge Data Compare Express for Oracle for Windows 7 - Powerful Data Comparison Tool for Oracle. - Windows 7 Download

dbForge Data Compare Express for Oracle Windows 7

dbForge Data Compare Express for Oracle 5.5.100

Revolutionize Oracle Data Comparison with Powerful Software.

Looking for a powerful tool to compare and synchronize data in your Oracle database? Look no further than dbForge Data Compare Express for Oracle by Devart. With intuitive UI and advanced functionality, this software is perfect for database administrators and developers alike. Whether you're concerned with data accuracy or simply need a comprehensive database comparison tool, dbForge Data Compare Express for Oracle is an essential download.

dbForge Data Compare Express for Oracle 5.5.100 full details

File Size: 85.00 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2023-07-20
Downloads: Total: 738 | This Month: 24
Publisher: Devart
Publisher URL:

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dbForge Data Compare Express for OracleOther Server ApplicationsWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64, Windows 11

User Rating: 1.9 (15 votes)

dbForge Data Compare Express for Oracle - Windows 7 Download awards

dbForge Data Compare Express for Oracle windows 7 compatible windows 7 download editor's pick

dbForge Data Compare Express for Oracle 5.5.100 full description

dbForge Data Compare Express for Oracle is a reliable easy-to-use tool to compare and synchronize data of Oracle schemas.

You can quickly analyze data differences in a well-designed user interface and synchronize the data in a convenient wizard with additional options. Get dbForge Data Compare Express for Oracle and take it for a spin to see what it can actually do for you!

Database professionals use dbForge Data Compare to:

* Save time with automatic table data comparing & synchronization
* Analyze data differences and generate reports
* Quickly reconcile two databases that went out of sync
* Copy look-up data from development databases to production
* Generate SQL*Plus-compatible synchronization scripts

Key Features:

* Supports Oracle versions: 11g, 10g, 9i, 8i, 7.3, Oracle XE
* Compares tables, views and materialized views
* Compares data with different structures
* Able to compare multiple schemas at once
* Command line interface for scheduled operations
* Synchronizes data in LOB and BFILE columns
* Generates data comparison reports
* WHERE filter for extra large tables or custom data comparison
* Can work without an Oracle client
* Generates SQL*Plus-compatible synchronization scripts
* Can save data comparison settings for the next usage
* Has a convenient UI

dbForge Data Compare Express for Oracle 5.5.100 download tags

dbForge Data Compare Express for Oracle 5.5.100 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
Added connectivity support for Oracle 23c
User-reported and internal bug fixes
Several user reported minor bugs are fixed
[ dbForge Data Compare Express for Oracle release history ]

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