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Dead Pixel Tester for Windows 7 - "Revive Your Screen: Dead Pixel Tester" - Windows 7 Download

Dead Pixel Tester Windows 7

Dead Pixel Tester 3.00

"Eliminate screen imperfections with Dead Pixel Tester: Your ultimate solution."

Looking for a reliable tool to identify dead pixels on your monitor? Look no further than Dead Pixel Tester from Data Product Services Ltd. This intuitive software is designed to help you spot any dead pixels with ease, allowing you to quickly address any faulty areas on your screen. With an easy-to-use interface and powerful testing capabilities, Dead Pixel Tester is a must-have tool for any Windows 7 user looking to optimize their display. Download it now from our website and start enjoying crystal-clear visuals on your monitor today.

Dead Pixel Tester 3.00 full details

File Size: 287 kB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2015-11-26
Downloads: Total: 2498 | This Month: 3
Publisher: Data Product Services Ltd.
Publisher URL:

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Dead Pixel TesterBenchmarkingWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 2.8 (24 votes)

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Dead Pixel Tester 3.00 full description

Dead Pixel Tester - TFT screens have thousands of pixels, on a 1024x768 monitor, there are three cells for each pixel - one each for red, green, and blue - which amounts to nearly 2.4 million cells (1024x768x 3 = 2,359,296). Dead Pixel Tester is a software that allows you to check screen pixels on your LCD/TFT monitor.

There's only a slim chance that all of these will be perfect; more likely, some will be stuck on (creating a "bright" defect) or off (resulting in a "dark" defect). DPT was written to help me check my own screens by cycling through the three primary colours used (red,green,blue) and all on (white) and all off (black).

Simply select a colour then closely inspect your monitor in each of the primary colours checking for pixels that are not operating as expected. Stuck pixels (always on) are easier to noticed then pixels that are not on due to their size (normally under .5mm).

Basic usage:
Ensure your screen is free from dirt and marks,if possible clean it with correct recommended products.
Make sure your screen resolutions are correct for your monitor, e.g. if your screen is 1680x1050, make sure the resolution for that monitor is set at 1680x1050.
Use the right mouse button to toggle the main menu on and off, so that you can see the whole screen without any interference.
Use the left mouse button to toggle through the basic application colours of Black (Check for stuck on pixels), Blue (Check for dead blue pixels), Red (Check for dead red pixels), Green (Check for dead green pixels), and White (Check for dead pixel group)
Each time you select a new colour, scan your screen carefully looking for defects (Black spots will be dead pixels on any colour screen)
Use the [M] key to toggle a Marker at any suspect point on the screen.This allows you to scan the rest of the screen and come back to that area/check the screen is clean. Hint : After placing a Marker you can move about to check if the pixel moves in the area or not. If it does not move then it is most likely a dead pixel, if it does move then it is probably a mark on the outside of the screen.

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