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Decanter Sizing Calculator for Windows 7 - "Optimize Decanter Performance" - Windows 7 Download

Decanter Sizing Calculator Windows 7

Decanter Sizing Calculator

Optimize Decanter Size with Powerful Calculator.

Looking for reliable and accurate decanter sizing software? Look no further than Decanter Sizing Calculator from Webbusterz Engineering Software. This comprehensive program offers all the features you need to calculate decanter size and performance based on your specific requirements. With its easy-to-use interface and advanced algorithms, you can trust Decanter Sizing Calculator to deliver results you can count on. So why wait? Download Decanter Sizing Calculator today and discover the difference it can make in your decanter sizing projects.

Decanter Sizing Calculator full details

File Size: 3.70 MB
License: Demo
Price: $62.00
Released: 2023-01-28
Downloads: Total: 43 | This Month: 10
Publisher: Webbusterz Engineering Software
Publisher URL:

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Decanter Sizing CalculatorCalculators & ConvertersWin2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64

User Rating: 0 (0 votes)

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Decanter Sizing Calculator full description

When the difference in density between the liquids is great enough for the droplets to settle, decanters are used to separate the liquids. The decanter sizing calculator (DSC) is a piece of software designed to size both horizontal and vertical decanters. The software can handle multiple cases and accept input in a variety of measurement units. Additionally, the output can be customized to display the outcomes in various units. Depending on the user's preferences, results can be exported or printed. 1. size horizontal and vertical decanters 2. Adaptable calculation settings that let the user change the design assumptions. 3. Different units for the calculation's input and output 4. Save and load case files 5. List all assumptions that were applied to the calculations. 6. Additionally, the software will use user input to determine dispersed phase and continuous phase. 7. Various calculations are produced, For vertical vessels; vessel diameter, vessel height, feed interface height, light liquid height, heavy liquid height, feed inlet diameter, dispersion band length, residence time of droplets in dispersion band, velocity and settling velocity for dispersed phase, volumetric flow rates, interface area, entrained droplet diameter For horizontal vessels; vessel diameter, vessel length, feed interface height, light liquid height, heavy liquid height, feed inlet diameter, dispersion band height, residence time of droplets in dispersion band, velocity and settling velocity for dispersed phase, volumetric flow rates, interface area, interface width, entrained droplet diameter, turbulence level checks for dispersed and continuous phases. 8.Print, export, copy produced results summary

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Decanter Sizing Calculator Windows 7 requirements

Microsoft Dot Net 4.8 Framework

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