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delight address Freeware for Windows 7 - "Effortlessly organize addresses." - Windows 7 Download

delight address Freeware Windows 7

delight address Freeware 6.0

"Easily manage your contacts with Delight Address Freeware."

Delight Address Freeware is a top-notch Windows 7 software designed by the renowned delight software gmbh team. It's the perfect solution for organizing your digital address book and keeping track of all your contacts in one place. With user-friendly features such as search, contact grouping, and handy import/export options, managing your contacts has never been easier. The software has a sleek interface and is completely free, making it an excellent option for those seeking a reliable address book solution without any extra cost. Give Delight Address Freeware a spin and streamline your contact management experience today.

delight address Freeware 6.0 full details

File Size: 57.92 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2015-08-19
Downloads: Total: 231 | This Month: 7
Publisher: delight software gmbh
Publisher URL:

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delight address FreewarePIMS & CalendarsWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, WinOther, WinServer

User Rating: 3.0 (14 votes)

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delight address Freeware 6.0 full description

delight address is perfect for companies, self-employed, social clubs and privates, which require quick and comprehensive access to their address data. It can handle detailed address data, a photo or company logo, notes and all kind of data fields. To manage your customers and contacts in a tree structure, each address can be assigned to different address groups. One easily can add own address fields and manage them in different categories. You see only the relevant fields at each address. Not required fields will be hidden automatically. The integrated birthday list shows what customers, suppliers, employees, or business partners celebrate their anniversary in the next few days. One can add as many reports and templates such as e.g. letters, form letters, address lists, labels, envelopes, name plates, attendance lists, detailed address letters, templates for emails, etc. as needed. There is no limitation. All master data, fields, templates, macros, and settings of the software can be adapted and edited very flexibly to your needs. Detailed descriptions of the features you can find here: homepage

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delight address Freeware 6.0 Windows 7 release notes

Minor Update
New Features and Bugfixes, please check out the news on our website for more information.
[ delight address Freeware release history ]

delight address Freeware 6.0 Windows 7 requirements

Windows XP or newer

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