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Desktop Calendar for Windows 7 - "Streamline your schedule with Desktop Calendar" - Windows 7 Download

Desktop Calendar Windows 7

Desktop Calendar 3.2

Stay organized with the ultimate desktop calendar. Get Desktop Calendar today!

Looking for a well-designed and user-friendly desktop calendar software? Look no further than "Desktop Calendar" from Polenter - Software Solutions. This highly versatile and customizable program offers a range of features to help keep your schedule organized and on track. Whether you need to set reminders, schedule appointments, or simply keep track of important dates, Desktop Calendar makes it easy and intuitive. And with its sleek and modern design, this software is as visually appealing as it is functional. Try it out today and take the first step towards a more organized and efficient workday.

Desktop Calendar 3.2 full details

File Size: 60.00 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2023-08-12
Downloads: Total: 1166 | This Month: 13
Publisher: Polenter - Software Solutions
Publisher URL:

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Desktop CalendarOffice Suites & ToolsWindows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64, Windows 11

User Rating: 2.1 (21 votes)

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Desktop Calendar 3.2 full description

Desktop Calendar is a task planner for Windows to manage your tasks and other todos’ in easy way. Always during start of Windows it lists all tasks, which are urgent for that day. In case, there is additionally time of day in task defined, according notification message will be shown, when the time comes.

There are two concepts which differ Desktop Calendar from a normal task planner:
· It can remind you even several months earlier about your task. In such a way you are able to quit every long-term contract (i.e. contract of a cellular phone) right on time.
· There is no need to input neither task duration nor the time of day for a task - who cares, at what time to congratulate grandma on her birthday? Anyway, you will be able to choose if you need to define defining the time of day for each created task.

Desktop Calendar can remind you even before your today's task should occur (in the range of one minute to several hours). In such a way you neither miss your favorite TV-program nor your bid too late on eBay.


Benefits for inexperienced users:
· No need to input task duration or time of day for the task
· 12 month calendar with calendar weeks
· Reminding up to several months ahead

Functions for advanced users:
· Yearly, monthly, weekly or daily task repeating (i.e. on 1st of January, or 2nd Saturday in month, every second day, or simply on Fridays),
· Possibility to repeat your tasks every X years, months, weeks or days,
· Task repeating on selected days of the week (i.e. only working days),
· Message notifications for tasks with defined time of day (tomorrow at 15:45 make a bid on eBay),
· Custom sounds for your message notifications
· Alarm sound in case you are away from your computer or the monitor is off
· Task grouping by urgency, by days, weeks or months
· Quick access from the system tray when minimized
· Easy backup - all the tasks are stored in only one file.

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Desktop Calendar 3.2 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
FIX: Create default categories if there are no categories yet.
[ Desktop Calendar release history ]

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