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Desktop Sales Office for Windows 7 - Boost Sales with Desktop CRM - Windows 7 Download

Desktop Sales Office Windows 7

Desktop Sales Office 12.08

Revolutionize sales. Desktop Sales Office is exceptional CRM for professionals. Download now.

Introducing Desktop Sales Office, the ultimate CRM software for exceptional sales professionals, developed by Software on Sailboats. It's an intuitive, user-friendly tool that goes beyond just managing your customer data. With features like robust dashboard reporting, opportunity management, and automation of sales processes, it empowers you to be proactive and efficient in your sales endeavors. Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, Desktop Sales Office is guaranteed to optimize your sales pipeline and boost revenue growth. Download it now and watch your sales soar!

Desktop Sales Office 12.08 full details

File Size: 9.70 MB
License: Trialware
Price: $99.95
Released: 2015-10-27
Downloads: Total: 828 | This Month: 13
Publisher: Software On Sailboats
Publisher URL:

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Desktop Sales OfficeOffice Suites & ToolsWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7

User Rating: 3.7 (24 votes)

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Desktop Sales Office 12.08 full description

Desktop Sales Office is Windows PC software for sales professionals and sales teams. Track, manage, and master every deal and your entire sales pipeline: revenue, dates, status, probability, journals and more. Deals are linked to contacts, related deals, documents, appointments, tasks, and web pages. Import, change, or mass click-and-update your contacts. Automatically track and journal calls, mail, email, appointments, tasks, progress, and notes. Organize your contacts by rating, categorizing and connecting them.

Create and deliver powerful, compelling mail and email messages to groups targeted by property or commonality.

* Import contacts and deals from sources like Outlook, Hoover's, ZoomInfo and Spoke.
* Send personalized email or printed documents to one or one thousand using integrated email and word processing
* Automatic logging/journaling of every message sent or printed.

Research and capture deep information about each contact from the vast array of Internet resources that are pre-programmed into a unique integrated browser – news, financials, and business/contact information providers like LinkedIn, ZoomInfo, and Spoke.

Campaign to the right people with personalized email and calls with scripted talking points. Have your resources ready to address their questions, then time stamp and save the details of every conversation.

* Individual calls or list calling with autodial, dial-by-name assistance, and call timing (Video)
* Custom calling scripts and one-click call results
* Automatic call logging even for remote or from-home callers

Make your mark as a trusted professional with prompt responses, on-time/on-message calls and meetings, no missed details, and never-fail follow up through integrated appointments, tasks and documents.

* Appointments and tasks can be linked to contacts, deals, documents, and web pages.
* Calendar with daily, weekly, monthly view.

Whether the team is close or remote, pipelines and selling activity logs can be shared, tracked, measured and analyzed.

* Deal statistics: Count, revenue, average revenue, average age, due today/this week/this month
* Sort and group deals by: progress, probability, due date, revenue, price, discount, product, sales rep, territory, region, stage, more...
* Results log for calling tracks caller, date, duration, rating, result, notes, contact details.
* Open source XML data files, export data to spreadsheets

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