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DNS Redirector for Windows 7 - "Optimize Web Traffic with DNS Redirector" - Windows 7 Download

DNS Redirector Windows 7

DNS Redirector

Boost internet access & security with DNS Redirector. Enhanced browsing experience.

Looking for an efficient way to block unwanted content on your network? Look no further than DNS Redirector. Developed by, this user-friendly software allows you to redirect unwanted domains and IP addresses to your own custom page. Whether you're an IT administrator or concerned parent, DNS Redirector provides comprehensive web filtering solutions that ensure a safer, more productive browsing experience for everyone. Try it out today!

DNS Redirector full details

File Size: 287 kB
License: Open Source
Price: FREE
Released: 2020-10-06
Downloads: Total: 931 | This Month: 13
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DNS RedirectorOtherWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 2.7 (26 votes)

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DNS Redirector full description

Display a blocked page as result of any domain name matched in the keywords list. Prevent installation of file sharing/P2P clients, spyware, or other malicious software. Save bandwidth by blocking streaming audio/video, large downloads, or questionable material. Restrict online games, IM, pornography, and illegal content. Or, choose to block everything and allow only a handful of sites you specify.

Redirect users to a welcome, advertisement, login, or terms and conditions page the first time they try to browse the Internet on your network. Commonly used on public/open wireless networks. Or, choose to redirect all web traffic to your important notice; in case of emergency, a closed network, or during maintenance.

Designed for wireless hotspots, hotels, cafes, schools, and libraries but applicable on any network. With DNS Redirector you don't have to install or modify each workstation and there's nothing for users to disable. DNS Redirector works regardless of network hardware, meaning freedom to use whatever wireless access points, switches, or routers that you want. Logs new visitors, attempted visits to blocked sites, or all program actions. Forwards all other DNS queries onto your ISP or internal DNS server(s).

You MUST unblock this package before extracting
Right-click on the you downloaded, select Properties, click the Unblock button
...if this button is not present just proceed, click OK
Extract the .zip contents to C:DNSREDIR (do NOT replace your .ini files if you are upgrading)
In the C:DNSREDIR folder, right-click on _setup_.bat and select "Run as administrator"
...this wizard will assist with 1st time setup (no need to run this when upgrading)

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DNS Redirector Windows 7 requirements

.NET Framework 4.6.1

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