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Dolby Axon Desktop Client for Windows 7 - "Dolby Axon: Ultimate Gaming Voice Chat" - Windows 7 Download

Dolby Axon Desktop Client Windows 7

Dolby Axon Desktop Client

Experience immersive voice communication with Dolby Axon.

Looking for reliable and high-quality voice chat software? Look no further than Dolby Axon Desktop Client! Developed by the experienced team at DOLBY, this software offers crystal-clear communication, advanced noise reduction technology, and customizable settings for a seamless and personalized experience. Whether you're a gamer or a business professional, this software is the perfect choice for all your voice chat needs. So why wait? Download Dolby Axon Desktop Client today and experience the future of voice communication!

Dolby Axon Desktop Client full details

File Size: 10.30 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2014-06-02
Downloads: Total: 4916 | This Month: 9
Publisher: DOLBY
Publisher URL:

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Dolby Axon Desktop ClientOtherWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

User Rating: 3.5 (41 votes)

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Dolby Axon Desktop Client windows 7 compatible windows 7 download editor's pick

Dolby Axon Desktop Client full description

When you want complete control over your voice chat, you need a stand-alone chat client. The Dolby® Axon desktop client gives you that control in a powerfully simple user interface. If you don’t like in-game voice chat or if your favorite games just don’t do it well, check out the Dolby Axon desktop client.


High-quality sound: Our audio researchers reached deep into their bag of tricks to make Dolby Axon sound incredible. We’ve included noise reduction, auto dialogue leveling, echo cancellation, and clipping detection, just to name a few.

Simple user interface: No more fumbling around with complex interfaces—the Dolby Axon desktop client is based around a friend list. We all know how to use one of those.

Complete control: No more leaked passwords and uninvited guests. The friend list approach of Dolby Axon means that you have complete control over your chat. Only people that you invite can join.

Organize your clan: The powerful features in Dolby Axon make it easy to organize your friends and guildmates. Use the friend list and groups to keep tabs on everyone.

Light on its feet: Dolby Axon sets a new benchmark for crystal clear audio quality on a low-bandwidth diet.

Additional Features with Surround Pass

Chat in surround sound: Multiparty chat just got a lot easier. With Dolby Axon you can instantly tell who’s talking because the chat takes place in surround sound. Nobody does surround sound better than Dolby, and Dolby Axon delivers it over speakers or a headset.

Chat visually: With a visual representation of the chat room, Dolby Axon makes it easier than ever to see who’s in the chat and to know who’s doing the talking.

Divide and conquer: Dolby Axon lets you quickly divide your chat participants into smaller groups for easier communication.

Permanent chat rooms: Create rooms for your guild so everyone knows where to gather.

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Dolby Axon Desktop Client users' reviews

Dolby Axon Desktop Client review by rajandran (Jul 21, 2019)
excellent surround sound

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