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Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Design for Windows 7 - Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Design: Optimize Efficiency. - Windows 7 Download

Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Design Windows 7

Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Design

"Efficiently design double pipe heat exchangers with this expert software."

Looking for an advanced and reliable software tool for designing double pipe heat exchangers on Windows 7? Look no further than Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Design by WeBBusterZ Engineering Software. With its intuitive interface, powerful algorithms, and comprehensive range of features, this software is a must-have for engineers and professionals looking to optimize their heat exchanger designs efficiently. Download it today and unlock the full potential of your heat exchanger designs!

Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Design full details

File Size: 4.11 MB
License: Demo
Price: $75.00
Released: 2019-01-30
Downloads: Total: 507 | This Month: 12
Publisher: WeBBusterZ Engineering Software
Publisher URL:

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Double Pipe Heat Exchanger DesignMath & Scientific ToolsWin2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64

User Rating: 2.5 (16 votes)

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Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Design windows 7 compatible

Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Design full description

+S.I & English (U.S) Units of measurement. +Unit converter includes 23 measurements units with 200-unit conversion +Ability to import properties to Hot/Cold sides from Microsoft Excel. +Export Results to Microsoft Excel Engineering Datasheet -Calculations- +Calculate unknown temperatures or flow rate +Perform thermal analysis for bare tube double pipe (hairpin) heat exchangers. +Perform thermal analysis for finned tube double pipe (hairpin) heat exchangers. +Choose from Counter Current or Co-Current Flow arrangement +Choose from Series arrangement or Series-Parallel arrangement. +Auto allocate Hot/Cold fluids within the heat exchanger (Inner Pipe or Outer Pipe). +Select from different correlations to calculate Cold/Hot side heat transfer coefficient. Also the ability to adjust Nusselt number if you do have a different correlation. + Add your own Nusselt number correlation +Calculate the Area, Flow area, Length, Log Mean Temperature Difference, Number of Hairpins, Unknown Flow rate. +Calculate the scale resistance (dirt factor), Equivalent Diameter. +Calculate Pipe/Annulus side Reynolds, Nusselt numbers & Prandtl Numbers. +Duty, Clean and Design Overall heat transfer coefficient calculations +Pipe/Annulus velocities and Mass velocity calculations +Number of Transfer Units & Thermal Capacity ratio calculation. +Clean and Fouled Fin Efficiency calculations for finned tube heat exchanger. +Pressure drop calculations & Entrance and Exit losses. -Databases +Physical properties estimation of pure components for more than 1450 components; the database has the ability to estimate Thermal Conductivity, Density, Heat Capacity and Viscosity. The database also included & come as a standalone interface but easily integrated with the software. +Estimate mixture properties. (ALL ESTIMATION METHODS CURRENTLY SUPPORT LIQUIDS ONLY) +User database functions to allow user to add/delete fluids and load to hot/cold side (Empty database!) +Fouling factors

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Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Design Windows 7 release notes

New Release
interface update, migrate source code to framework 4.6, added new correlations, added units converter
[ Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Design release history ]

Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Design Windows 7 requirements

Windows operating system, Microsoft Dot Net 4.6 Framework

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