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DPlot Viewer full changelog

DPlot Viewer full changelog

DPlot Viewer released May 6, 2014 (New Release)
Bug fix: Reading 4-byte unformatted data was broken with the addition of support for 8-byte unformatted data in version
The Label Points command had a few quirks when working with hidden curves.
Bug fix: List Peaks did not report the correct mean or number of points for "curves" consisting of a single point.
DPlot Viewer released Mar 21, 2014 (New Release)
DPlot will now correctly interpret text files with lines terminated by a carriage return only, as opposed to what most Windows users are accustomed to with a carriage return/line feed sequence.
Added a "Date separator" entry to the General Options dialog. This entry might be important for German users (or for users from any other country where the default date separator is a '.') who typically read text files in which the decimal point character is a '.'. (Version added support for '.' as the date separator, but this broke DPlot for many German users who also used '.' as the decimal point.)
DPlot is a bit smarter about re-allocating arrays for unformatted data, both 4- and 8-byte files. In previous versions when it was found that the arrays were of insufficient size, DPlot used the power of 2 greater than or equal to the required size. Since the required size was known, in many cases this was overkill - particularly for millions of points.
DPlot Viewer released Feb 27, 2014 (New Release)
The Playback feature now uses more modern settings for the Open dialog for videos.
Added a new file type that can be opened/saved. Unformatted binary (64-bit) is identical to the "Unformatted binary" type except that it saves data to 64-bit (8-byte) double-precision floating point values rather than 4-byte single-precision values. This might be important if you are working with large magnitude numbers with a small increment between points (date/time groups, for example) or if you have a large number of points (100,000 or so) and it is important that you preserve the increment between points.
Bug fix: Curve labels for plots using the Amplitude Limits feature might not have been aligned properly.
Bug fix: Version included a change that caused contour lines to not be drawn if the corresponding line width was set to less than 0. This worked, but line widths resulting in a calculated pen width of 1 pixel (on most systems 0.02") were also not drawn if antialiasing was turned on.
DPlot Viewer released Dec 20, 2013 (New Release)
Added optional quot;Average Duplicate X'squot; and quot;Peak Y Values with Duplicate X'squot; for the Generate menu to the distribution for the licensed version of DPlot. For those users who have previously used these modules, both now allow you to select which curve to operate on as well as specify whether the generated data should replace the input.
Changed the SelectCurve macro/DDE command to accept multiple arguments (curve indices). In addition, the equivalent macro/DDE commands for all Edit menu commands that interactively allow you to select multiple curves now use this setting.
For 2D views of surface plots, if you set the major or minor contour line width values to less than 0, then the corresponding lines are not drawn. In previous versions those lines were drawn with a width of 1 pixel/printer dot.
Added ListPeaksOptions macro/DDE command.
Modified the Polynomial Curve Fit procedure to show dates/times if the number format for the X axis was a date and/or time.
DPlot Viewer released Dec 17, 2013 (New Release)
Added optional quot;Average Duplicate X'squot; and quot;Peak Y Values with Duplicate X'squot; for the Generate menu to the distribution for the licensed version of DPlot. For those users who have previously used these modules, both now allow you to select which curve to operate on as well as specify whether the generated data should replace the input.
Changed the SelectCurve macro/DDE command to accept multiple arguments (curve indices). In addition, the equivalent macro/DDE commands for all Edit menu commands that interactively allow you to select multiple curves now use this setting.
For 2D views of surface plots, if you set the major or minor contour line width values to less than 0, then the corresponding lines are not drawn. In previous versions those lines were drawn with a width of 1 pixel/printer dot.
Added ListPeaksOptions macro/DDE command.
Modified the Polynomial Curve Fit procedure to show dates/times if the number format for the X axis was a date and/or time.
DPlot Viewer released Jul 17, 2013 (New Release)
· Added right-click menu options to the legend of XY plots to snap the legend to one of a graph's four corners. See Anchor point>Snap to...
· Added a Replace button (random 3D points) and Paste Z button (points on a rectangular grid) to the Edit Data dialogs of all 3D plot types. For random points this will replace the current data (X, Y, and Z values) with the clipboard contents. For points on a rectangular grid this will replace Z values with the clipboard contents, preserving X and Y. This might be handy if you frequently produce 3D surface or scatter plots with complicated setups: embedded images, long text notations, etc.
· Bug fix: DPlot crashed when saving DPlot files with notes longer than 1024 characters.
· Bug fix: For large framed notes the rectangle surrounding the note might have been a bit too small or too large for vertical text.
· Bug fix: The Distance between points function for 3D surface plots with random points did not handle dragging the mouse to select points corr
DPlot Viewer released Jun 27, 2013 (New Release)
· Added MIN and MAX operations to the Z=f(Z1,Z2) menu command.
· Added a Spline Fit function to the Generate menu. This operates in much the same way the Equal Intervals command with the Cubic Spline method does, but allows for input that loops back in X - is not a function, in other words.
· Added an option to the Histogram command to plot the frequency of a given bin rather than the count.
· Added AND, NOT, OR, and XOR functions for use in Y=f(X), Operate on Y, and similar commands.
· Bug fix: Text and arrows for point labels that were copied to the clipboard may have been incorrectly placed with standard (as opposed to enhanced) metafiles.
· Bug fix: A roundoff error in axis label placement for 2D surface plots might have resulted in the last label being omitted.
DPlot Viewer released May 20, 2013 (New Release)
· Added ability to make more than 2 passes with the Filter command. This might be useful for very noisy data.
· Added candlestick chart option to Open-High-Low-Close (OHLC) charts.
· Added a quot;Number of pointsquot; option to the quot;List Peaksquot; function.
· Bug fix: The recent ATAN2 option for the Z3=f(Z1,Z2) command worked correctly for points on a rectangular grid, but not at all for randomly-spaced points.
· Bug fix: Curve labels might had added uneccessary white space to the right side of a plot.
· Bug fix: With 2D views of contour plots of randomly-spaced 3D points, the legend might have been clipped in a copied bitmap produced by Copy Picture.
· Bug fix: The quot;More Curve Fitsquot; function might have crashed with some equation forms if you selected a curve to fit that contained a single data point. In this release those quot;curvesquot; are not selectable.
DPlot Viewer released Mar 18, 2013 (New Release)
· Updated the Garmin GPX file import plugin to import heartrate information stored between tags. This includes Nike+ files exported as GPX and possibly other devices. If you have a GPS device that records heartrate and exports to GPX but heartrate is not supported by this plugin, of course let us know.
· Added AxisArrowheads macro/DDE command.
· Added ATAN2 operator to the Z3=f(Z1,Z2) command on the Generate menu for 3D surfaces.
· Added Open-High-Low-Close (OHLC) chart option. This is primarily useful for those tracking stock prices.
· Added X=f(T), Y=g(T), Z=h(T) command on the Generate menu, which allows you to generate points in a 3D scatter plot with X, Y, and Z all a user-defined function of a fourth independent parameter T.
· Added entries for the SAE J211 CFC filters to the Filter command on the Edit menu. This is mostly a matter of convenience to those who crash cars for a living: the filter coefficents are defined here.
· Modified the MultipleXAxes and MultipleYAxes commands
DPlot Viewer released Feb 10, 2013 (New Release)
· Updated the Garmin GPX file import plugin to import heartrate information stored between tags. This includes Nike+ files exported as GPX and possibly other devices. If you have a GPS device that records heartrate and exports to GPX but heartrate is not supported by this plugin, of course let us know.
· Added AxisArrowheads macro/DDE command.
· Added ATAN2 operator to the Z3=f(Z1,Z2) command on the Generate menu for 3D surfaces.
· DPlot files opened by double-clicking in Explorer or dragging-and-dropping on to the DPlot window now reset the default folder for opening files in the same way that the File>Open menu command works. In particular this might make a difference for you when using the Directory(1) macro command.
· Bug fix: A SelectCurve command prior to an EditSmooth command did nothing. Generally every curve on the plot would be smoothed.

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