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Dr. Regener LandMap Vivo for Windows 7 - Revolutionary Mapping Software. - Windows 7 Download

Dr. Regener LandMap Vivo Windows 7

Dr. Regener LandMap Vivo 10

Discover the ultimate mapping software for Windows 7 with Dr. Regener LandMap Vivo!

The Dr. Regener LandMap Vivo software by GPSsur Dr. Erhard Regener is a powerful tool for anyone who needs accurate and detailed mapping data for their projects. This easy-to-use software is perfect for architects, engineers, and urban planners who need to create precise maps with land use data and zoning information. With its advanced mapping capabilities, Dr. Regener LandMap Vivo is the ideal solution for professionals who need to stay one step ahead in the field. Download it today and see for yourself how this software can transform your work.

Dr. Regener LandMap Vivo 10 full details

File Size: 6.36 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $65.00
Released: 2009-01-08
Downloads: Total: 758 | This Month: 6
Publisher: GPSsur Dr. Erhard Regener
Publisher URL:

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Dr. Regener LandMap VivoEditorsWindows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Vista

User Rating: 2.8 (15 votes)

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Dr. Regener LandMap Vivo windows 7 compatible

Dr. Regener LandMap Vivo 10 full description

Create own true to scale maps, store online maps locally with Vivo techology, map editor, dataexchange with Google Earth by Copy and Paste, GPS enabled coordinates, import of free OpenStreatMap data and GPS Exchange and GPS logger data, compatible with "GPS for Google Earth", area calculation with net area, total area and restricted area; recognizes automatically embedded areas; labeling of the map, insert own symbols; print true to scale with and without satellite background, export as pixel file and kmz.

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