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Drives Monitor for Windows 7 - "Optimize your drives with Drives Monitor - the ultimate performance booster." - Windows 7 Download

Drives Monitor Windows 7

Drives Monitor 18.1

"Optimize your PC with Drives Monitor, a powerful resource for complete drive health analysis."

Welcome to the ultimate solution for monitoring your Windows 7 system! Drives Monitor, developed by Igor "Igogo" Bushyn, is a lightweight yet powerful tool that allows you to keep track of your hard drive and other storage devices in real time. With intuitive graphs and detailed information, you can easily monitor your disks' health, capacity, temperature, and more. Drives Monitor also supports SSD and RAID arrays, giving you a complete overview of your storage setup. Don't let drive failure catch you off guard – download Drives Monitor now and gain peace of mind!

Drives Monitor 18.1 full details

File Size: 215 kB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2024-01-08
Downloads: Total: 10587 | This Month: 31
Publisher: Igor "Igogo" Bushyn
Publisher URL:

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Drives Monitor
Drives MonitorFile & Disk ManagementWindows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 3.2 (75 votes)

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Drives Monitor 18.1 full description

Drives Monitor is a Windows 10 sidebar gadget that provides a lot of useful information about the functioning of each physical or/and logical disk (the amount of free and used space on the disk, its loading in %, labels, reading/writing speed, the file system used, etc.). On the other hand, a real-time graph is also provided. Clicking on the drive letter allows opens a fly-out window where you can view detailed information about the physical drive model, capacity, type, the number of partitions, cylinders, sectors and more. Furthermore, the gadget includes an 'Eject' button that allows you to safely release the USB device. Unlike other gadgets Disk Monitor support hidden and mounted drives. If the free space is critically low, the disk space usage bar turns red, thus letting you know about this issue and take the appropriate measures. Yellow disk space usage bar indicates about low disk space. Percentage for critical and warning disk usage you can set into settings. Also in settings you can switch between physical and logical drives, exclude drive letter (or disk number in case physical drives) from monitoring and and choosing what information to display.

If you run CrystalDiskInfo on the background gadget can show drives temperatures and drive health status based on S.M.A.R.T. data.

The gadget offers easy access to disk contents, as you can open a drive in Windows Explorer by simply clicking on the appropriate background. Drives Monitor works on both 32-bit and 64-bit systems.

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