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Drought Monitor And Prediction for Windows 7 - "Track Droughts Efficiently." - Windows 7 Download

Drought Monitor And Prediction Windows 7

Drought Monitor And Prediction 1.0

Track drought with ease: advanced software solution for Windows 7.

Looking for a comprehensive tool that helps you track drought conditions and predict their impact on your crops? Look no further than Drought Monitor And Prediction, developed by AgriMetSoft. With easy-to-use features and accurate programming, this Windows 7 software is a must-have for anyone in the agricultural industry looking to anticipate and mitigate drought-related risks. Download it today to take your drought monitoring efforts to the next level.

Drought Monitor And Prediction 1.0 full details

File Size: 5.88 MB
License: Commercial
Price: $299.00
Released: 2018-03-01
Downloads: Total: 123 | This Month: 9
Publisher: AgriMetSoft
Publisher URL:

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Drought Monitor And PredictionScienceWin2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64

User Rating: 3.3 (3 votes)

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Drought Monitor And Prediction windows 7 compatible

Drought Monitor And Prediction 1.0 full description

The DMAP (Drought Monitor And Prediction) software is a comprehensive tool that can calculate 18 drought indices in three different drought types, namely meteorological drought (SPI, PN, DI, RAI, RDI, ZSI, CZI, MCZI, EDI, KBDI, PDSI, PHDI, SPEI), agricultural drought (ETDI, SMDI, ARI), and hydrological drought (SWSI and SDI). For running this software you can follow these steps one by one. In the monitor phase in DMAP (Drought Monitor And Prediction) software, through selecting every index, the user can calculating it and then by available graphs (line, columnar, and Boxplot), the user can monitor the happened drought event in various time scale in the study area. In the prediction phase, the user by importing the downscaled outputs of GCMs models in DMAP tool, he/she can calculate every index the he wants for future period. In DMAP the input file can be in different format files, namely csv, xls, xlsx, and also nc (NetCDF). This is a unique characteristic and due to this feature, users can easily import and browse his fie, without any concern. Another benefit of this software is the positioning of data in columns. In this software, the ordering of data in columns is not important, and the software recognizes the location of the data according to the input column header. This feature is not considered in other existing software that compute only a few indexes. So the user is having trouble, in such tools, therefore DMAP solve the problem and the user by selecting the header of each column can easily determine the order of them.

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Drought Monitor And Prediction 1.0 Windows 7 requirements

Windows 8 and 3GB RAM

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