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Duoserve ScheduFlow full changelog

Duoserve ScheduFlow full changelog

Duoserve ScheduFlow 16.0.6183 released Oct 3, 2019 (New Release)
3D Carousel View:
With the ever-growing need to view your busy schedules in a simple, quick, and easily-navigatable mode, we have added the carousel card view. Appointment schedules can now be viewed individually by simply scrolling between them with your mouse.
Time Line View:
Besides the day, week, work-week, monthly, and carousel view, we have added one more view. The timeline will allow you to scan your schedules visually promptly.
Never retype a repetitive appointment again:
Are most of the appointments you schedule repetitive and you do not feel like retyping the same information over and over again? We have added a 'drag and drop templated appointments' feature that allows users to add common appointments rapidly. Simply create your predefined appointments by setting the time span, subject, description, label, and status, and drag them onto your calendar. You will never have to retype the same appointment twice!
Duoserve ScheduFlow 12.0.4489 released Jul 2, 2012 (New Release)
3D Carousel View:
· With the ever-growing need to view your busy schedules in a simple, quick, and easily-navigatable mode, we have added the carousel card view. Appointment schedules can now be viewed individually by simply scrolling between them with your mouse.

Time Line View:
· Besides the day, week, work-week, monthly, and carousel view, we have added one more view. The timeline will allow you to scan your schedules visually promptly.

Never retype a repetitive appointment again:
· Are most of the appointments you schedule repetitive and you do not feel like retyping the same information over and over again? We have added a 'drag and drop templated appointments' feature that allows users to add common appointments rapidly. Simply create your predefined appointments by setting the time span, subject, description, label, and status, and drag them onto your calendar. You will never have to retype the same appointment twice!

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