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Duplicate & Same Files Searcher for Windows 7 - "Eliminate file clutter with Duplicate Searcher" - Windows 7 Download

Duplicate & Same Files Searcher Windows 7

Duplicate & Same Files Searcher 5.2.6

"Effortlessly declutter your disk with Duplicate & Same Files Searcher - the fastest file search tool."

Introducing Duplicate & Same Files Searcher, a cutting-edge software by Yury Malich that searches your computer for duplicate files with unmatched accuracy. This tool scans your entire system in a matter of seconds, making it easy to organize your files and free up valuable disk space. With an intuitive user interface and robust features, Duplicate & Same Files Searcher is a must-have for anyone looking to optimize their Windows 7 experience. Say goodbye to cluttered hard drives and hello to seamless organization with Duplicate & Same Files Searcher.

Duplicate & Same Files Searcher 5.2.6 full details

File Size: 881 kB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2020-03-24
Downloads: Total: 1406 | This Month: 5
Publisher: Yury Malich
Publisher URL:

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Duplicate & Same Files SearcherFile & Disk ManagementWindows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 2.6 (34 votes)

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Duplicate & Same Files Searcher - Windows 7 Download awards

Duplicate & Same Files Searcher windows 7 compatible windows 7 download 5 stars award windows 7 download editor's pick

Duplicate & Same Files Searcher 5.2.6 full description

Duplicate & Same Files Searcher is a software created to help you search faster for duplicate files (clones) and NTFS hard links to the same file. It searches duplicate file contents regardless of file name (true byte-to-byte comparison is used).

This application allows not only to delete duplicate files or to move them to another location, but to replace duplicates with NTFS hard links as well (unique!). You can save the results to file for further processing, use a search function within the results list, hide groups without the real duplicates, switch to a different language for the GUI, and make Duplicate & Same Files Searcher automatically check for updates online.


Fast search engine (byte-to-byte comparison and hard link detection algorithm are used).
Detailed visualisation of duplicate files, NTFS hard links, junction points and symbolic links (unique!).
Shows fragmentation of files (unique!).
Shows compressed NTFS files in color.
Manual and filtered selection files to delete, move or replace with NTFS hard links.
Allows to move and delete files.
Allows to replace files with NTFS hard links (unique!).
Allows to compress files on NTFS volumes.
Allows selecting disks and folders to scan.
(New in version 2) Supports long paths (path longer than 260 characters).
(New in version 2) Allows to save/load results.
(New in version 2) Supports alternate NTFS-streams.
(New in version 2) Support for checking NTFS-permissions compatibility for the files being replaced by hard links.
(New in version 2) Supports ignoring differences in MP3-files metadata (ID3-tags) and comparing the music MP3-content only (experimental).

Duplicate & Same Files Searcher 5.2.6 download tags

Duplicate & Same Files Searcher 5.2.6 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
Added skipping files in the OneDrive folder that physically aren't on the local computer (files in the cloud).
Files in the cloud are now excluded from search by default, but if you like to include cloud files to search for duplicates and let OneDrive download them to your computer for comparison, you can set SkipFilesInCloud="0" in the Profile settings in the file settings.xml.
It's just a quick fix. The checkbox in the UI for the setting will be added in a future version.
[ Duplicate & Same Files Searcher release history ]

Duplicate & Same Files Searcher 5.2.6 Windows 7 requirements

.NET Framework 2.0 or later

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