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DWG FastView for Windows 7 - "View & Edit DWG files fast" - Windows 7 Download

DWG FastView Windows 7

DWG FastView 5.3.0

"Experience lightning-fast file viewing with DWG FastView - your go-to solution for all your drawing needs on Windows 7."

Looking for a professional CAD viewer that is lightweight, fast and compatible with DWG files? Look no further than DWG FastView! This software from Gstarsoft Co., Ltd. is perfect for engineers, architects and designers who want to view, print and markup their CAD drawings without the need for expensive and complex software. With a simple and intuitive interface, DWG FastView is easy to use and provides a range of advanced features to help users optimize their workflow. Try it today and experience the benefits of this powerful, yet affordable, CAD viewer!

DWG FastView 5.3.0 full details

File Size: 62 kB
License: 共享
Price: FREE
Released: 2020-09-04
Downloads: Total: 219 | This Month: 11
Publisher: Gstarsoft Co.,Ltd.
Publisher URL:

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DWG FastViewCADWindows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows XP的

User Rating: 2.7 (3 votes)

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DWG FastView 5.3.0 full description

DWG FastView for Windows is a lightweight dwg/dxf drawing viewer and editor produced by Gstarsoft, no need of dwg format conversion, vector graph magnified without distortion and full compatible with AutoCAD DWG/DXF. Even without relevant technical skills, you can also successfully use it, which is provided with creative plotting and viewing tools for simplified process. Features: 1. Fastest to open drawings, most accurate display, most adequate functions. Drawings can b.e opened very quickly, displayed perfectly, along with various kinds of view and editing tools, making drawing operations much easier. 2. Applied to cross-platform, web, mobile and Windows With one account alone, access to your project files on cloud end with web browsers, mobile phones and PC and ensure a safe & handy drawing communications. 3. Precise measurement Measurement of length, angle and radius, area, etc. are supported as well as one-key export to Excel, clear at a glance. 4. Simple plotting The straight line, poly line, ellipse, etc. plotting tools, delete, move, copy and other common commands combined with smart capture, intersection, table insert...absolutely satisfy your drawing edit need. 5. Perfect display Perfect CAD parsing technology, fully compatible with AutoCAD, external reference, etc. showed accurately and completely. 6. More support layer management, cloud drawing sharing, magnifier, print, table,social sharing, secondary development...all are at your choice

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DWG FastView 5.3.0 Windows 7 release notes

New measurement function. New labeling function. New insert table function. Add batch printing function. Added cloud annotation function. New drawing function. New account system. Optimize drawing compatibility.
[ DWG FastView release history ]

DWG FastView 5.3.0 Windows 7 requirements

Windows XP and above 32bits/64bits

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