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Easewe New Email Notifier for Windows 7 - Stay on top of emails with Easewe. - Windows 7 Download

Easewe New Email Notifier Windows 7

Easewe New Email Notifier 1.1

"Stay on top of your inbox with Easewe's Email Notifier."

Looking for a reliable way to stay on top of your emails? Look no further than Easewe New Email Notifier! Developed by EaseWe Software, this powerful Windows 7 software is designed to alert you whenever you receive a new email, ensuring that you never miss an important message again. With its intuitive interface and easy-to-use features, Easewe New Email Notifier is the ultimate tool for anyone who wants to stay connected with their inbox at all times. So why wait? Download Easewe New Email Notifier today and start taking control of your email like never before!

Easewe New Email Notifier 1.1 full details

File Size: 884 kB
License: Free To Try
Price: $29.00
Released: 2009-04-20
Downloads: Total: 399 | This Month: 10
Publisher: EaseWe Software
Publisher URL:

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Easewe New Email NotifierOther E-Mail ToolsWindows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista

User Rating: 2.4 (25 votes)

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Easewe New Email Notifier 1.1 full description

Easewe Email Noitifier is a tool which periodically checks for new emails, it can check any email server using the standard POP3 protocol, without having to have the regular email client program running. You can specify check interval for each email account. It will show a notification in system tray area when new emails arrives. Click the notification can sign in the email box quickly.

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