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Easy Mailouts for Windows 7 - "Boost Your Email Marketing: Easy Mailouts" - Windows 7 Download

Easy Mailouts Windows 7

Easy Mailouts 362.0

"Streamline your email campaigns with Easy Mailouts: powerful, user-friendly software."

Easy Mailouts from Easy is a powerful email marketing software for Windows 7 that simplifies the process of sending bulk emails. With a user-friendly interface and automated features, you can effortlessly manage your email campaigns, track your email's success, and grow your business by reaching out to potential clients. The software provides detailed reports on the performance of your email campaigns, letting you fine-tune your messages for maximum impact. Download Easy Mailouts today and experience its intuitive features, which will help you achieve your business goals quickly and efficiently.

Easy Mailouts 362.0 full details

File Size: 7.85 MB
License: Demo
Price: $15.28
Released: 2019-07-03
Downloads: Total: 448 | This Month: 12
Publisher: Easy
Publisher URL:

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Easy MailoutsE-Mail ClientsJava, Linux, Linux Gnome, Linux GPL, Mac OS X, Unix, Win2000, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP, Other

User Rating: 2.6 (17 votes)

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Easy Mailouts 362.0 full description

EASYMAILOUTS.COM Simple to use Affordable Email Marketing from £10 a month! Start email marketing quickly and easily! * Keep in touch with customers and prospects using newsletters, special offers etc. * Send personalised mail outs, each email says Hi John, Hi Jane, etc. * Personalised content. Each email can in addition say something personable such as "It was good meeting you last Thursday". * Import your own list(s). * Multiple use - as well as for sales can use different lists to contact friends or employees about Christmas party etc. * If needed, send an attachment with emails of your latest brochure, list of prices, photo, map, etc. You can send any file type. * Email backup. Are you sometimes not able to send emails? Now you still send individual emails or mail outs using your existing email address as from address! * Send text or HTML emails when you want. * Can send pictures WITHIN an email * Can automatically schedule emails to be sent by day eg send every Friday or by date etc * Our templates are easy to change with no technical knowledge needed * Includes "mail merge" facility * Use our Servers to send the emails. * Get online up to minute statistics on opened emails etc * Get detailed on line reports on opened emails etc * Option to automatically schedule emails depening on how long wat sent * No Technical knowledge needed as you just need an email address - do not need SMTP etc * Additional business tools included bar chart creator, calendar, alarm timer, Word to pdf, jpeg to pdf, pdf to jpeg, etc. * Try it out completely FREE * Then to continue, pay one-off £10 registration fee, and £5 a month * Six month contract at this low price - longer if you want it! Email us on email Alternatively to find out more call us now on 07746 217547 If you have a large number of emails of over 40,000 we can send the out for you.

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Easy Mailouts 362.0 Windows 7 release notes

New Release
ADMIN (period history)
[ Easy Mailouts release history ]

Easy Mailouts 362.0 Windows 7 requirements

Standard Java environment

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