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Easy365Manager for Windows 7 - "Effortlessly Manage Office 365" - Windows 7 Download

Easy365Manager Windows 7

Easy365Manager 1.9.12

"Revolutionize your Office 365 with Easy365Manager: streamlining made simple."

"Streamline your daily Microsoft Office 365 tasks with Easy365Manager. Developed by Agema A/S, this software enhances user productivity and simplifies email and account management. Easy365Manager's intuitive design and user-friendly interface makes it a must-have tool that saves valuable time and effort. Say goodbye to tedious email tasks and try Easy365Manager today!"

Easy365Manager 1.9.12 full details

File Size: 4.46 MB
License: Demo
Price: $1090.00
Released: 2023-11-14
Downloads: Total: 82 | This Month: 5
Publisher: Agema A/S
Publisher URL:

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Easy365ManagerOtherWin2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64

User Rating: 1.0 (1 vote)

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Easy365Manager 1.9.12 full description

EASY365MANAGER IS AN EASY-TO-USE PLUGIN FOR ACTIVE DIRECTORY USERS & COMPUTERS Manage email properties, Office 365 licenses, and Office 365 mailboxes directly from AD Users & Computers. Stop switching between numerous web consoles and PowerShell. Remove your on-premises Exchange Server. Perform the following Office 365 tasks directly from Active Directory Users & Computers: Create new Office 365 user mailbox Create new Office 365 shared mailboxes (without on-prem to Office 365 migration) Create new Office 365 room or equipment mailboxes Convert mailbox type (user, room, equipment, or shared) Create mail-enabled users in Office 365 (users with external mail addresses) Configure distribution groups Configure mailbox aliases Configure calendar permissions Configure Outlook automapping Configure save to sent-items for send-as and send-on-behalf Hide the mail address from address lists See the mailbox usage Edit storage limits Enable forwarding (configure delivery options) Set delivery restrictions (approved or rejected senders and message size limits) Assign access permissions (mailbox delegation) Force Azure AD Connect synchronization to Office 365 (one-click synchronization) Bulk edit Office 365 properties from Active Directory Users & Computers Copy user properties based on Active Directory template (right-click & copy user) Set or change the user picture in Office 365 Set the preferred language in Office 365 Assign/remove Office 365 licenses or service plans View number of used and available Office 365 licenses Edit proxy addresses, including Remote Routing Address Edit custom attributes (extensionAttributes) Delegate access to Office 365 calendars (Reviewer, Author, Editor, etc.) We welcome your request for further extensions

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Easy365Manager 1.9.12 Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
New features, including Meeting Room Management
[ Easy365Manager release history ]

Easy365Manager 1.9.12 Windows 7 requirements

Powershell 5.1

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