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Elements+ for PSE 10 for Windows 7 - Enhance PSE 10 with Elements+ - Windows 7 Download

Elements+ for PSE 10 Windows 7

Elements+ for PSE 10 6.0

Upgrade your PSE 10 abilities with Elements+ software. Enhance photos with new features & tools.

Discover the ultimate tool for Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 with Elements+! Created by renowned software developer Andrei Doubrovski, this program seamlessly integrates with your PSE 10 software to enhance its features and enable new functions. With Elements+, you'll have access to a range of powerful editing and photo retouching tools that will enhance your workflow and streamline your editing process. Download Elements+ today and take your PSE 10 experience to the next level.

Elements+ for PSE 10 6.0 full details

File Size: 2.98 MB
License: Demo
Price: $12.00
Released: 2012-10-03
Downloads: Total: 591 | This Month: 8
Publisher: Andrei Doubrovski
Publisher URL:

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Elements+ for PSE 10EditorsWindows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7 Home Premium, Windows 7 Business, Windows 7 Enterprise, Windows 7 Ultimate

User Rating: 2.8 (14 votes)

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Elements+ for PSE 10 6.0 full description

As you, probably, know, Adobe Photoshop Elements has not inherited all of the essential features of the full Photoshop. Some functions have been removed, while the others just stay hidden. The "surface" Photoshop Elements functions are quite sufficient for a beginner. As you advance, though, you may miss one or another undocumented function. Here "Elements+" will be of service to you. The thing is that by no means all the absent functions are removed from Photoshop Elements in full, many of them are just hidden from the user. And "Elements+" is a handy add-on that lets the hidden functions out. The opened functions appear in PSE immediately after the successful E+ installation. Except perhaps by the first run you will need to wait a second while the program reconstruct its cache file. The unleashed features can be accessed via dedicated dialog boxes that include undocumented commands and panels for exploring and using the hidden (officially unsupported) contents, such as paths, color channels, and more. The kit includes smart filters, vector masks, and many more advanced tools normally hidden under the hood. Furthermore, the "Scripts" catalog lets users automate tedious repetitive operations, create complicated effects, extract EXIF data from photos, etc. The current version brings a number of new scripts for various tasks. Elements+ comes to you with an automatic installer, so, you needn't follow tricky instructions and copy dozens of files to different locations manually.

Elements+ for PSE 10 6.0 download tags

Elements+ for PSE 10 6.0 Windows 7 requirements

Adobe Photoshop Elements 10

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