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Emailsaler Bulk Email Sender for Windows 7 - Boost Your Email Marketing Campaigns. - Windows 7 Download

Emailsaler Bulk Email Sender Windows 7

Emailsaler Bulk Email Sender 2.5

"Supercharge your email campaigns with Emailsaler Bulk Email Sender."

"Looking to improve your email marketing campaigns? Look no further than Emailsaler Bulk Email Sender by BaiqiSoft. This user-friendly software allows you to send mass emails to targeted audiences with ease. With advanced features like email tracking and personalized templates, you'll see improved engagement and results. Take your email marketing to the next level with Emailsaler."

Emailsaler Bulk Email Sender 2.5 full details

File Size: 1.98 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2015-11-11
Downloads: Total: 143 | This Month: 7
Publisher: BaiqiSoft
Publisher URL:

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Emailsaler Bulk Email SenderE-Mail List ManagementWin2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64

User Rating: 1.0 (2 votes)

Emailsaler Bulk Email Sender - Windows 7 Download awards

Emailsaler Bulk Email Sender windows 7 compatible

Emailsaler Bulk Email Sender 2.5 full description

You're someone who needs to communicate with a large list of clients or subscribers. Emailsaler can simplify your email marketing campaign, it enables you to easily design rich html emails, sends a personalized copy of your email to each address in your mailing list, and each recipient only sees their own email address. Easy To Use Interface At Emailsaler, we understand that there is no need to acquire a degree in IT before you get into email marketing. That's why we've kept things very simple and basic. Our software has one of the simplest and most user-friendly interface to enable you carry out your email marketing business without any difficulties. Multiple Tasks Management Emailsaler allows you to create multiple sending tasks simultaneously. You can edit, copy, run or stop a task at any time that you wish. It also allows you to monitor the sending progress of each task, you can give your full attention to the task in front of you. Email Personalization Using Email Merge The email reading and opening rate can be maximized if your customer sees his name or surname in the subject line. The global impact of your email can be even higher if you use the mail merge function of our mass mailing software.You will never send again anonymous mailing lists, you will use your stored customers data to compose a very appealing and personalized email. Automatic Unsubscribe & Bounce Handling The Bounce Handler in Emailsaler can automatically unsubscribe or delete bounce email addresses from your contact groups. This helps you prevent your IP address from being blacklisted for repeated sending to invalid email addresses and keep your good sender reputation. Plus, your future email campaigns will be sent faster because Emailsaler wont waste time for trying to send the message to invalid recipients.

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Emailsaler Bulk Email Sender 2.5 Windows 7 release notes

Emailsaler Bulk Email Sender 2.5 Windows 7 requirements


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Introducing Emailsaler, the ultimate solution for bulk email sending. Developed by the renowned BaiqiSoft, this Windows ...
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