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EnCalc for Windows 7 - EnCalc: Powerful Calculator for Windows 7 - Windows 7 Download

EnCalc Windows 7

EnCalc 4.2

EnCalc - The Ultimate Windows 7 Calculator

EnCalc is a powerful software tool designed to provide in-depth information about your computer's energy usage. Developed by Totusoft, this innovative program helps users to lower their electricity bills by monitoring their device's power consumption in real-time. With EnCalc, you can easily identify which applications and services are consuming the most energy, and take steps to optimize your usage accordingly. The user-friendly interface and customizable settings make EnCalc a valuable addition for any energy-conscious Windows 7 user. Download and start saving today!

EnCalc 4.2 full details

File Size: 13.40 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2021-09-30
Downloads: Total: 619 | This Month: 13
Publisher: Totusoft
Publisher URL:

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EnCalcCADWindows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64

User Rating: 3.3 (21 votes)

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EnCalc 4.2 full description

EnCalc (Calc4all) is a portable windows calculator with practical built in features! This project started out because there was no other simple portable calculator out there with all the features that I wanted built in. EnCalc has a simple, easy-to-use interface with so many useful features, you'll find that it will quickly become your favorite calculator!

Simple installation program, or just copy the folder and run the program direct. Uninstall by simply deleting the folder and whatever shortcuts you've created. No system files, no .dll's, no add/spyware, and no registry changes. Leaves nothing behind to bog down your computer.

All of our downloads start out as the free version. There are no time/usage restrictions on this version of our software. If you like it, please help spread the word by passing the free (unregistered) version on to your friends/co-workers. Our free versions limit extreme features of the program. If you don't need these features - then no need to buy the registered version.

Some of EnCalc's Features include...

Completely portable - No installation needed
Can be run from USB Flash drives, etc.
Compatible with all Windows versions 7 & up (Win7 'SP1', Win8, Win10, Server 2008, 2012, 2016, & 2019)
Compatible with Mac OS X Yosemite (10.10.5) to the latest MacOS Big Sur
Updated! Able to share prefs file (Loans, etc.) with other Windows and Mac computers
Updated! User Interface received a complete overhaul
Updated! Conversions, Tape, many buttons, etc.
Updated! Item Count with option to show on tape
New! Decimal and thousands separator can be customized for your locale
New! Fully High DPI Aware in Windows Vista, 7, & 8 and Mac
New! Dark mode compatible in Mac Mojave and above
New! Calculator & Text completely re-sizable by dragging the corners
New! Unlimited number of Loan Profiles *
New! Use the +/= button on laptops as + without having to use shift *
Repeat last entry with Ctrl and +,-,/,x
Laptop 10 Key Support (M, J, K, L, U, I, O, etc.). No need to turn on NumLock *
Decimal, Binary, Hexadecimal, and Octal number systems (with conversion)
Printable, savable, and removable colored calculator tape
Powerful Loan Calculator with printable Amortization Schedule, multiple compounding options and interactive charts
Area & Volume Calculator in metric or standard with ability to mix all units *
Over 80 unit conversions in categories - Temperature, Length, Volume, Weight, Area, Speed, Time, Data Storage, & Data Transfer speeds *
Floating Point, Fixed & Auto Decimal
Tax Button
Change Button
Memory Button (Memory Bank stored in .prefs file for non-volatile memory)
Tool Tips on Buttons
Always keep Calc4all on Top of other windows option
Automatic Average Calculation, item count, and Running Total in Status Bar
Stopwatch with lap times displayed on tape *
And much more!

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