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Encrypt Files for Windows 7 - "Secure Your Files: Windows 7 Encryption Software" - Windows 7 Download

Encrypt Files Windows 7

Encrypt Files 1.1

Keep your files safe with top-notch encryption. Download now!

As an expert in Windows 7 software, I highly recommend "Encrypt Files" from Accessory Software. This powerful tool offers seamless and secure encryption for all your sensitive files and folders. With easy-to-navigate UI and reliable encryption algorithms, this software is a must-have for anyone looking to protect their digital assets. Whether you want to safeguard confidential documents or lock away personal files, Encrypt Files offers the perfect solution. So, download it now and keep your data safe and secure!

Encrypt Files 1.1 full details

File Size: 20.98 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $19.95
Released: 2023-06-12
Downloads: Total: 91 | This Month: 9
Publisher: Accessory Software
Publisher URL:

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Encrypt FilesEncryption ToolsWindows 7 x32, Windows XP

User Rating: 1.0 (4 votes)

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Encrypt Files 1.1 full description

Encrypt Files is a File Encryption / Decryption App with features to find and view files, share files, and audit file changes. The irst display shows folders on your computer or device where your files are found. You can use this window or click the Select button to use your system's file selection. Photos, text and multimedia files can be viewed by clicking the View button, after selecting a file. The Toggle button will toggle between Tile display of Files and Folders, the taditional File Explorer, and Photo Thumbnails for picture files.The Encrypt Tab is where files are encrypted or decrypted. The box at the top of the display, is a ist of files selected to be encrypted. There are six encryption methods available to choose. The History Tab displays a hiistory log of files encrypted. A log entry entry is only made when a file is encrypted. Encrypting and decrypting memos without creating any files will not created a history log entry. The Share Tab allows you to share encrypted and other files over the LAN, and with four Cloud Storage providers. Files need this app to decrypt files encrypted by Encrypt Files. The options Tab allows you to set the name that will appear on the Local Area network to other Users using Accessory Software apps. Screen Styles and Colors with other options are set here. The Encryption Tab allows you to make selections to encrypt selected files and memos. The list, at the window top, display files selected by clicking the Select button after clicking on a file on the Select Tab, Encrypt Tab or History Tab. The following encryption procedures are available: 1. AES (standard modes and key sizes) to encrypt and decrypt according to FIPS 197. 2. AES Galois Counter Mode to authenticate data according to NIST SP 800-30D. 3. SPECK to encrypt and decrypt with low power chips. 4. Salsa20 to encrypt and decrypt data and files. 5. RSA (OAEP/PSS and PKCS v1.5) to sign and verify signatures of data with key sizes

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Encrypt Files 1.1 Windows 7 release notes

Minor Update
Encrypt and Share Files.
[ Encrypt Files release history ]

Encrypt Files 1.1 Windows 7 requirements

Windows XE or later

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