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ERDAS ER Viewer for Windows 7 - ERDAS ER Viewer: Professional Image Viewer. - Windows 7 Download

ERDAS ER Viewer Windows 7

ERDAS ER Viewer 14.01

"View & analyze geospatial data with ease - ERDAS ER Viewer for Windows 7."

Looking for a powerful image and data viewer for Windows 7? Look no further than ERDAS ER Viewer, developed by the experts at Intergraph Corporation. With support for a wide range of image and data formats, ER Viewer is the perfect solution for anyone who needs to quickly and easily view and analyze complex data sets. Whether you're a GIS professional or just looking to explore your data, ER Viewer is the perfect tool for the job. So why wait? Download ER Viewer today and get started!

ERDAS ER Viewer 14.01 full details

File Size: 28.40 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2014-04-18
Downloads: Total: 498 | This Month: 16
Publisher: Intergraph Corporation
Publisher URL:

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ERDAS ER ViewerViewersWindows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64

User Rating: 3.2 (9 votes)

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ERDAS ER Viewer windows 7 compatible

ERDAS ER Viewer 14.01 full description

ERDAS ER Viewer is a free, easy-to-use image viewer that enables you to interactively roam and zoom large JPEG 2000 and ECW files. It can also read most other common file types. ERDAS ER Viewer also lets you embed large geospatial images in your Microsoft Word documents.

ERDAS ER Viewer is a handy image viewer that is designed to open large image files and to zoom in to a certain area. It includes an image adjustment function that allows you to smooth out the pixelated images. The application supports all popular image formats, such as JPG, PNG and BMP, but it also has the ability of opening other file formats that are more common in specialized domains.

ERDAS ER Viewer prints to common large-format printers, and supports the following file formats:

JPEG 2000
Universal Data Format (UDF) images
ER Mapper images
TIFF and GeoTIFF images
SPOT View images
Esri BIL (ARC/INFO and ArcView) images
Smart Data ER Mapper algorithms
National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF)
ArcInfo ASCII Grid (ASC)
Portable Network Graphics (PNG)

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