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EverEdit Portable for Windows 7 - "Efficient Portable Editing Tool" - Windows 7 Download

EverEdit Portable Windows 7

EverEdit Portable

"Revolutionize your code editing with EverEdit Portable for Windows 7."

Looking for a powerful and lightweight code editor for your Windows 7 system? Look no further than EverEdit Portable, developed by the skilled team at This advanced software offers a range of features tailored to the needs of coders and programmers, from syntax highlighting to advanced search and replace functionality. With its easy-to-use interface and compatibility with a wide range of languages, EverEdit Portable is perfect for both novice and experienced programmers alike. Download it today and take your coding to the next level!

EverEdit Portable full details

File Size: 5.30 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $29.00
Released: 2024-01-01
Downloads: Total: 219 | This Month: 12
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EverEdit PortableSource EditorsWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

User Rating: 2.7 (14 votes)

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EverEdit Portable windows 7 compatible

EverEdit Portable full description

EverEdit is a fast, lightweight, extendable text, source and binary editor for Windows(Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2003+). While it can serve as a good Notepad replacement, it also offers many powerful features for Web page authors and programmers.

EverEdit supports Unicode natively and you can edit a file with most of encodings supported in Windows system. Besides, EverEdit also embeds a supper encoding detector!

Just press Alt+F3 and rename your vars very qucikly. To make multiple selections, move your mouse and press Ctrl key after making one selection or Press Ctrl+D to select words one by one!

Emmet is a web-developer's toolkit that can greatly improve your HTML & CSS workflow. EverEdit fully supports emmet's functions!

EverEdit embeds a Markdown mode with a toolbar and preview functions. You could preview your markdown with built in web browser(Ctrl+B). EverEdit would remember and restore your last preview position.

Snippet could insert words and phrases quickly and improve your speed and proficiency on programming! Press [Tab] or [Shift+Tab] to move around between edit points.

There are many built-in themes in EverEdit, select your favorite one or create a new theme base the current themes.

EverEdit can use a little memory to load huge files asynchronously and display the current loading progress. You can move around smoothly after opening the files.

EverEdit has integrated a very convenient hex/binary editor, it can open files of any size. It also includes some other features such as find/replace/result highlight/modification highlight

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