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Excel Quotation Template for Windows 7 - Create Professional Invoices Easily - Windows 7 Download

Excel Quotation Template Windows 7

Excel Quotation Template 5.30

"Power up your invoicing with Excel Invoice Manager Platinum - the ultimate solution for businesses."

Excel Invoice Manager Platinum is easy-to-use software that simplifies the invoice creation process. With its intuitive interface and powerful features, managing your invoicing tasks has never been easier. Developed by the trusted team at, this software is the perfect solution for businesses of all sizes. You'll enjoy flexibility and customization options, as well as the ability to track payments and generate reports. Download Excel Invoice Manager Platinum today and take charge of your invoicing needs!

Excel Quotation Template 5.30 full details

File Size: 33 kB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2024-04-03
Downloads: Total: 490 | This Month: 10
Publisher: Uniform Software Ltd.
Publisher URL:

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Excel Quotation TemplateAccounting & FinanceWindows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Win10, Win11

User Rating: 3.7 (23 votes)

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Excel Quotation Template 5.30 full description

This is the billing software that allows you to easily manage customers, products, invoices and payments. The Platinum edition of the electronic billing software has the ability to connect to backend databases from the invoice template, and allows you to add custom fields to the Customer, Product, Invoice Header and Invoice Body tables. This makes the billing software a highly customizable billing system. The billing software uses true what-you-see-is-what-you-get invoice templates as its front end, saving your time and effort when do billing. Moreover, the billing software allows you to design your own invoice templates by dragging and dropping. The billing software also provides a completely free invoice template that can be used standalone to create and calculate invoices. This new release extended the sizes of several standard/default database table fields, as required by several users. A detailed document on how to do this with your current database can be found online.

Excel Quotation Template 5.30 download tags

Excel Quotation Template 5.30 Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
Updated the default logo image.
[ Excel Quotation Template release history ]

Excel Quotation Template 5.30 Windows 7 requirements

Office 2016/2019, Microsoft 365

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