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Eye4Software Coordinate Calculator for Windows 7 - Powerful Coordinate Calculator! - Windows 7 Download

Eye4Software Coordinate Calculator Windows 7

Eye4Software Coordinate Calculator

"Experience precise coordinate calculations with this easy-to-use software."

Introducing the Eye4Software Coordinate Calculator - the ultimate tool for coordinate conversion and calculations. Developed by Eye4Software B.V., this software is a must-have for professionals in surveying, mapping, and geomatics. With a user-friendly interface and accurate calculations, it simplifies the process of transforming coordinates between different systems, projections, and datums. From coordinate transformations to distance and area calculations, this software has it all. Get your hands on the Eye4Software Coordinate Calculator today and experience the convenience of accurate and efficient coordinate calculations.

Eye4Software Coordinate Calculator full details

File Size: 8.96 MB
License: Free To Try
Price: $119.00
Released: 2015-11-20
Downloads: Total: 140 | This Month: 8
Publisher: Eye4Software B.V.
Publisher URL:

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Eye4Software Coordinate CalculatorMath & Scientific ToolsWin2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64

User Rating: 1.0 (1 vote)

Eye4Software Coordinate Calculator - Windows 7 Download awards

Eye4Software Coordinate Calculator windows 7 compatible

Eye4Software Coordinate Calculator full description

The Eye4Software Coordinate Calculator is an easy to use tool to perform map or GPS coordinate conversions. The software can be used to transform a single coordinate or a batch of coordinates read from a comma separated, database or ESRI shapefiles. The software is shipped with a MS Access database file, containing more then 3500 ellipsoid, map datum and map grid definitions around the world, which are identified by their EPSG code. It is possible to modify the definitions of all datums and map grids stored in the database. You can also create user defined map grids and map datums, so you can extend the database with newly introduced map datums. Supported map projections include: Transverse Mercator (regular and south orientated), Universal Transverse Mercator, (Hotine) Oblique Mercator, Swiss Oblique Mercator, Mercator, Oblique Stereographic, Polar Stereographic, Cassini, Albers Equal Area Conic, Polyconic, Mollweide, Gauss Kruger, Krovak, Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area and Lambert Conformal Conic projection (regular and west orientated). Software can be used with NADCON and HARN/HPGN grid files for North America.

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Eye4Software Coordinate Calculator Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
Support for both 32 and 64 bit editions of Windows operating systems, added new EPSG coordinate system definitions.
[ Eye4Software Coordinate Calculator release history ]

Eye4Software Coordinate Calculator Windows 7 requirements

Windows XP SP2 or higher

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