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Fabs AutoBackup full changelog

Fabs AutoBackup full changelog

Fabs AutoBackup released Mar 25, 2013 (New Release)
Added : - Interface now shrinks to fit some netbook screens (768px screens height)
- Automatic backup files removal option when restoring. This can be useful if the source files are on the same drive as target data : saves disk space and very fast.
- Debug mode can be easily enabled right-clicking the title bar and selecting "Debug mode". This can help in sorting out issues (collects current job settings, computer configuration and files list if a copy has been started). The user must fill his email address to send the debug feedback.
Removed :
Changed/Fixed : - Improved log stability display while copying files.
- It was not possible to set folders exclusion in transfer mode.
- Diagnostic informations (program settings, computer configuration and list of the files to be copied) were not collected with error reports.
Fabs AutoBackup released Jun 8, 2010 (New Release)
Fabs AutoBackup released May 18, 2010 (New Release)
· Subfolder quot;YYYY-MM-DD - AutoBackup - UserNamequot; changed to quot;YYYY-MM-DD-UserNamequot; to make backup paths shorter. This is made to avoid errors like quot;File path is too longquot;. If this can of error is sill encountered, make your backup to a drive's root without creating any subfolder.
Fabs AutoBackup released May 4, 2010 (New Release)
Removed :
· Ability to choose additional folders for backup/restore with a tree view and checkboxes. This component made the program unstable in some cases, so it had to be removed.

Modified :
· Windows Mail storage detection with Windows Vista. Now, the application reads the registry and does not used only the default path. Useful if the users has moved it to another location.
Fabs AutoBackup released Apr 26, 2010 (New Release)
· Ability to choose additional folders for backup/restore with a tree view and checkboxes. This way, it is possible to select a folder but not the quot;bigquot; unwanted subfolder inside.
Fabs AutoBackup released Mar 25, 2010 (New Release)
Fixed :
· Some strings mistakes on the GUI.
Fabs AutoBackup released Mar 16, 2010 (New Release)
· Windows Mail/Live mail accounts restoration issue. Now they are properly restored, except credentials.

· If not selected, the program prompts for Windows Address Book backup when selecting an Outlook Express Identity or Windows Mail/Live Mail for backup.

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