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Fast Folder Access for Windows 7 - "Streamline Your Workflow: Fast Folder Access" - Windows 7 Download

Fast Folder Access Windows 7

Fast Folder Access 2.0

"Boost productivity with lightning-fast folder access."

Fast Folder Access by Eusing Software is a powerful tool that streamlines access to frequently used folders, improving your workflow and boosting productivity. With just a few clicks, you can open the folder you need, saving time and reducing frustration. This intuitive software integrates with Windows Explorer and provides hotkey shortcuts for maximum convenience. Organize your files and folders more efficiently than ever before with Fast Folder Access.

Fast Folder Access 2.0 full details

File Size: 1.08 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2014-05-16
Downloads: Total: 307 | This Month: 8
Publisher: Eusing Software
Publisher URL:

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Fast Folder AccessShell ToolsWin2000, Windows 7 x32, Windows Vista, Windows XP

User Rating: 2.2 (17 votes)

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Fast Folder Access 2.0 full description

Fast Folder Access is a shell enhancement that gives you quick jump to your favorite folders in Common Open/Save dialogs, in Windows Explorer, the desktop and the Start Button.You access the Fast Folder menu by right-clicking anywhere in the File,Directory,directory background (right pane) of Windows Explorer, the "white area" of Common Open/Save -dialogs,on the desktop and the Start button. In the menu that pops up, there will be a new item called "Fast Folders" with a list of folders that you have added from within Fast Folder Access or from the item "Add to Fast Folder" on the pop-up menu by right-clicking the directory in Windows Explorer. Then you can fast and easy browse these folders. It's also an add-on for viewing images in Windows Explorer that lets you right-click on an image file to bring up a miniature image and image file information. Also you can add any file as shortcut to Quick Launch or create new folder.Having created the new folder, you can add or drag the shortcuts to this new submenu. Fast Folder Access runs automatically as part of the Windows Explorer context menu, so you will never need to start the program otherwise you want to edit the list of folders.

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Fast Folder Access 2.0 Windows 7 release notes

Major Update
Bug fixes and stability improvements.
[ Fast Folder Access release history ]

Fast Folder Access 2.0 Windows 7 requirements

PC586DX with 8MB RAM and 10 MB free HD

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