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FastFontPreview for Windows 7 - FastFontPreview: Streamline font management. - Windows 7 Download

FastFontPreview Windows 7

FastFontPreview 3.0.1

FastFontPreview: Creative font managing software for Windows 7.

FastFontPreview is an essential tool for designers, web developers, and anyone who works with typography on a regular basis. This intuitive Windows 7 software allows you to preview fonts quickly without needing to install them. Simply drag-and-drop font files into the program and see them displayed in real-time. With customizable settings and support for multiple languages, FastFontPreview is both user-friendly and versatile. Developed by Lanmisoft, this software is a must-have for anyone looking to streamline their font selection process.

FastFontPreview 3.0.1 full details

File Size: 1.23 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2011-01-25
Downloads: Total: 1224 | This Month: 12
Publisher: Lanmisoft
Publisher URL:

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FastFontPreviewFont ToolsWin2000, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, WinServer, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP

User Rating: 3.1 (25 votes)

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FastFontPreview 3.0.1 full description

FastFontPreview is Freeware font manager for Windows. It contains basic functions for font management - VERY fast preview both uninstalled or installed fonts by folder from Hard drive,CD's or USB drive and quick one - click font installing. Fast font preview supports management with True Type and Open Type fonts with (*.ttf ) extension and preview of PostScript Type1 (Adobe), PS Open type(*.otf) and TrueType Collection(*.ttc) fonts. Additional options: - Windows Character Map, Font Sample or File properties dialog for selected font. - Fonts preview samples with their names or with your own text sample. - Basics application settings. - Adjustable font size New in 3.0 version: - Unicode support - New skin - Vista - Windows 7 compatible

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FastFontPreview 3.0.1 Windows 7 requirements

64mb RAM, Pentium processor

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