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FBConnection for Windows 7 - FBConnection: Enhance Your Facebook Experience! - Windows 7 Download

FBConnection Windows 7

FBConnection 0.9

FBConnection: Efficiently Manage Your Facebook Account with Ease.

FBConnection by Polaris-Soft is a must-have software for Windows 7 users who want to effortlessly manage their Facebook accounts. This user-friendly application provides you with a smooth login process, a streamlined interface, and a range of features such as messaging, notifications, and news feed updates. Its intuitive design makes browsing Facebook, uploading photos, and interacting with friends and family second-nature. Whether you're a social media enthusiast or just looking for an easier way to stay connected, FBConnection is the perfect companion for Windows 7 users.

FBConnection 0.9 full details

File Size: 1.03 MB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2011-01-18
Downloads: Total: 436 | This Month: 4
Publisher: Polaris-Soft
Publisher URL:

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FBConnectionOtherWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 x32, Win2000, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Vista

User Rating: 2.8 (13 votes)

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FBConnection windows 7 compatible

FBConnection 0.9 full description

This program was written with the only purpose: to check the users claims about frequent lost of Firebird database connections that were not confirmed by other simple methods, such as ping. The program algorithm is very simple: it connects to database and do the set of SQL queries in defined period of time. The total execution time of SQL sets is registered in protocol. If database connection was lost - this is also registered in protocol and program tries to restore connect to database. After connection was restored, the testing continues. By changing SQL query and amount of queries in the set, one could change the testing accent: shift it to the server response (some hard queries) or to network capacity (a lot of short queries). Daytime monitoring could highlight moments of peak load on server or network. Running monitoring simultaneously on several client computers could localize the bottlenecks in the system: do clear whether slow work is caused by server problems or by network.

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FBConnection 0.9 Windows 7 requirements

Firebird client library (GDS32.DLL) installed.

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