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Febooti Automation Workshop Portable for Windows 7 - "Streamline your workflow with Febooti Automation Workshop." - Windows 7 Download

Febooti Automation Workshop Portable Windows 7

Febooti Automation Workshop Portable 8.0.0

"Automate Tasks with Ease: Download Febooti Automation Workshop Portable Today!"

Looking for an innovative automation tool to streamline your workflow? Look no further than Febooti Automation Workshop Portable. This convenient software allows you to automate a range of tasks for increased productivity and efficiency. Developed by Febooti software, this powerful tool is easy to use and perfect for both personal and professional use. So why wait? Download Febooti Automation Workshop Portable today and start automating your way to success!

Febooti Automation Workshop Portable 8.0.0 full details

File Size: 37.60 MB
License: Trialware
Price: $129.00
Released: 2024-05-21
Downloads: Total: 952 | This Month: 13
Publisher: Febooti software
Publisher URL:

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Febooti Automation Workshop PortableOtherWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 8 x64, Windows 10, Windows 10 x64, Windows 11

User Rating: 2.4 (18 votes)

Febooti Automation Workshop Portable - Windows 7 Download awards

Febooti Automation Workshop Portable windows 7 compatible windows 7 download editor's pick

Febooti Automation Workshop Portable 8.0.0 full description

Automation Workshop allows scheduling and automating of business processes. Automation Workshop requires no scripting, programming or coding skills. Processes are automated by building Tasks that include Triggers and Actions as the key components.

When system state match prespecified conditions, the Task is executed, or in other words, Actions are sequentially performed. Triggers and Actions are easy to setup and configure using intuitive interface. By combining system monitoring capacities with file, folder, email operations, you can create the automated solution of necessary complexity that perfectly integrates the existing environment and allows streamlining of workflow.

Both time spent on repetitive routine tasks and possibility of human error are effectively diminished by creating bridges over the gaps between one process and another. Automation Workshop connects such processes and does the job without user intervention.


· File / Folder Watcher - a Trigger that can monitor nearly everything that happens with files or folders and launch appropriate Action to respond to the changes in the system
· Task Scheduler - a Trigger that can execute scheduled processes on recurrent basis
· Send email - industrial grade Action will take care of any email sending Task, from very simple to highly advanced
· File / Folder actions - a set of file / folder Actions that can do nearly anything with files and folders, from automatic copying, moving, deleting to attribute change, content retrieval, and much more
· Start application and Run Windows prompt command - Actions even further extends the automation by providing support for executing batch files, Windows command prompt commands and DOS / Windows programs
· Automation Workshop is equipped with extensive monitoring, logging and reporting options; provides efficient deployment and management of automation flows; features comprehensive online help and qualified technical support

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