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File I/O Amanuensis for Windows 7 - "Efficient File I/O Tool" for Windows 7 - Windows 7 Download

File I/O Amanuensis Windows 7

File I/O Amanuensis 6.2

Easily manage and backed up your files with File I/O Amanuensis.

Introducing "File I/O Amanuensis" – a powerful Windows 7 software developed by Canadian Mind Products. This user-friendly software allows you to effortlessly and efficiently work with your files, including renaming, deleting, copying, and transferring. With its advanced features, File I/O Amanuensis saves you time and energy while also ensuring the security and integrity of your files. Download now and experience a streamlined file management experience on Windows 7.

File I/O Amanuensis 6.2 full details

File Size: 714 kB
License: Freeware
Price: FREE
Released: 2014-05-10
Downloads: Total: 394 | This Month: 8
Publisher: Canadian Mind Products
Publisher URL:

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File I/O AmanuensisJava & JavaScriptWin2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64

User Rating: 3.1 (19 votes)

File I/O Amanuensis - Windows 7 Download awards

File I/O Amanuensis windows 7 compatible

File I/O Amanuensis 6.2 full description

I/O teaching tool that generates sample Java source code to read or write the console, a sequential file, a random access file, a String, an array of characters, an array of bytes, URL, HTTP CGI GET/POST, Socket, resource or Pipe. It shows you how to read or write ASCII-8 bit characters (plain or locale-encoded), Unicode 16-bit characters, raw bytes, big endian binary, little endian binary, or serialised objects, buffered, unbuffered or gzip compressed. FileIO runs either as an application or as an Applet that needs to run in JDK 1.7+ capable browser. Source code and sample HTML included. May be freely distributed and used for any purpose except military. It works by asking you 4 multiple choice questions about what you want to do. You fill in your choices in a dialog box at it instantly generates the corresponding code that you can copy/paste and modify. 1) What is the type of the source/target? - sequential file - resource - random access file - String (in RAM i/o) - char[] (in RAM i/o) - byte[] (in RAM i/o) - URL (remote i/o) - HTTP CGI - socket - pipe 2) Do you want to read or write? 3) Which do you want: unbuffered, buffered or compressed? 4) What is the format of the data being read or written? - raw, untranslated, bulk, 8-bit bytes - default-encoded chars (usually 8-bit) - locale-encoded chars (usually 8-bit), e.g. IBM-OEM Cp437 - Unicode 16-bit chars - big-endian binary (Java standard) - little-endian binary (Intel standard) - serialised objects It generates 617 possible different example programs. You can run it online at without installing it.

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File I/O Amanuensis 6.2 Windows 7 release notes

Minor Update
Optimal buffering ratios
[ File I/O Amanuensis release history ]

File I/O Amanuensis 6.2 Windows 7 requirements

Java 1.8+

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